as a student, how do you feel that your performance has been in this course?

by Elias Okuneva 8 min read

Full Answer

Does academic performance come from ability or effort?

While ability helps, academic performance comes through learning and effort. Likewise, Darwin’s book, The Origin of Species, was the product of numerous drafts and conversations with countless colleagues over many years. Mozart worked more than ten years before producing notable work.

What does I feel pretty good about my performance mean?

“I feel pretty good about my performance overall.” You're being evaluated by your boss at work. She asks you whether you think you're doing a good job. You say that you are. I feel pretty good about my performance overall.

How do teachers expect students to perform in class?

Teachers' Expectations Can Influence How Students Perform : Shots - Health News Teachers' expectations about their students' abilities affect classroom interactions in myriad ways that can impact student performance. Students expected to succeed, for example, get more time to answer questions and more specific feedback.

When is the best time to evaluate your academic performance?

The average student returns or sells his or her textbooks, throws his or her backpack into a closet, and pushes all thoughts of academia to the back of his or her mind until August or September. However, the conclusion of the school year is also the perfect time to pause and evaluate your academic performance.

How do you measure your own performance as a student?

Formal tests, quizzes, and exams are the traditional methods for assessing student achievement. Surveys are the traditional method to solicit feedback from students about the course and the instructor. Survey questions are not assigned a point value and Surveys are not graded.

How do you describe student performance?

Personality: ambitious, sincere, responsible, sophisticated, outspoken, considerate, modest, eloquent, energetic, thoughtful, obliging, sociable, assertive, attentive, outgoing, pleasant, gentle, courteous, punctual, trustworthy, cheerful, easy-going, well-behaved, calm. 2.

How do you describe academic performance?

The academic performance involves factors such as the intellectual level, personality, motivation, skills, interests, study habits, self-esteem or the teacher-student relationship. When a gap between the academic performance and the student's expected performance occurs, it refers to a diverging performance.

How do I give feedback to my learning experience?

Tips for giving effective feedback to learners​Explain to the learners that you are focusing on helping them to understand the assessment of their learning.Encourage learners to ask questions about their feedback.Make a regular time to discuss feedback with learners on an individual or small group basis.More items...•

What is the importance of students performance?

Adults who are academically successful and with high levels of education are more likely to be employed, have stable employment, have more employment opportunities than those with less education and earn higher salaries, are more likely to have health insurance, are less dependent on social assistance, are less likely ...

How do you write a student performance report?

10 School Report Writing TipsUse Simple, Jargon-Free Language. It's important for parents and children to understand the report, so they can fully understand their progress. ... Be Precise. ... Use Examples. ... Share the Gradings and Provide a Model or Example. ... Sandwich Model. ... Refer to Guidelines. ... Feedforward. ... Timely.More items...•

How do you describe academic achievements?

In a general sense, academic achievement is the current level of a student's learning. More specifically, for the purposes of ESSA accountability, academic achievement refers to the percentage of students at a school whose learning currently meets or exceeds their grade-level standards.

How would you describe a hardworking student?

they get all of the missed notes and assignments from other students or from the professor. turn in assignments complete and on time. are attentive in class. They ask questions and participate in class discussions.

How do students write positive feedback?

20 Ways to Provide Effective Student FeedbackStudent feedback should be educative in nature. ... Student feedback should be given in a timely manner. ... Be sensitive to the individual needs of the student. ... Ask the 4 questions. ... Student feedback should reference a skill or specific knowledge.More items...•

What is effective feedback for students?

Good feedback uses words that aren't necessarily negative, but more descriptive and genuine in a way that a student wouldn't feel the need to be sad or defensive. Feedback should be very specific to the student and written in a way you know they will understand.

Why is feedback helping students improve their performance?

Providing feedback means giving students an explanation of what they are doing correctly AND incorrectly, with the focus of the feedback on what the students is doing right. It is most productive to a student's learning when they are provided with an explanation as to what is accurate and inaccurate about their work.

What is academic performance?

Academic performance starts with mindset, the student’s attitude. Researchers measured students’ attitudes as they transitioned to junior high school, which is a particularly challenging time for adolescents, then followed them for two years. The students started out with similar grades but after the transition with its new challenges, ...

When you work with women and minorities as a teacher, colleague, or manager, model and teach a answer

When you work with women and minorities as a teacher, colleague, or manager, model and teach a growth mindset that with support and effort, anyone can improve. The link between student attitude and academic performance is strong, and since a student’s attitude is within his or her control, that means that performance often is, as well.

What is Amanda's career?

Amanda was a Fulbright Scholar and has taught in schools in the US and South Africa.

Is there a relationship between a bad student attitude and poor academic performance?

Similarly, there’s a relationship between a bad student attitude and poor academic performance. While ability helps, academic performance comes through learning and effort. Likewise, Darwin’s book, The Origin of Species, was the product of numerous drafts and conversations with countless colleagues over many years.

1. Give surveys

Anonymous online surveys are one of the best ways to gather students’ perceptions of their professor and their own learning experiences. I often give students a survey in the middle and at the end of the semester, so I can tailor questions to specific activities.

2. Initiate a small group instructional feedback (SGIF) session

Using SGIF, professors will get a general checkup report, like an “after visit summary” from the doctor’s office.

3. Conduct a focus group

Focused groups are often used for market research to assess a new product, but this technique can be retooled to assess the overall wellness of the class. Contrary to SGIF, the discussion in focus groups is facilitated by the professor (though a TA or outside person could facilitate).

Why is performance review important?

Performance reviews are an important part of being a manager. Just as you need to measure the progress of your project to determine if you need to adjust the cost, time or scope, you should apply similar oversight to your team. While it can seem like a routine task, you shouldn’t approach it that way. The more you put into it, the more you’ll get ...

Why is a detailed list of goals important?

Good Answer: A detailed list of goals is good. It shows that the employee is thinking strategically about the future. The more those goals complement the company’s strategic goals, the better. Of course, you can also tweak their goals to become more aligned.

Is a performance review worthwhile?

Yes, performance reviews are worthwhile. Of course, you must do the due diligence and prepare for them. For instance, you need to have your performance review questions on hand, and those questions must be crafted to get useful information.

How do teachers influence students?

Teachers' Expectations Can Influence How Students Perform. Teachers interact differently with students expected to succeed. But they can be trained to change those classroom behaviors. Teachers interact differently with students expected to succeed. But they can be trained to change those classroom behaviors.

What happens if a teacher doesn't carry beliefs into the classroom?

But if the teacher doesn't carry those beliefs into the classroom, then the teacher is unlikely to see that behavior as threatening.

What does Pianta tell us about teachers?

They can also see, Pianta tells me, how teacher expectations affect both their behaviors and classroom dynamics. Pianta gives one very specific example: the belief that boys are disruptive and need to be managed. "Say I'm a teacher and I ask a question in class, and a boy jumps up, sort of vociferously ...

What did Rosenthal tell the teachers about the Harvard test?

Rosenthal told the teachers that this very special test from Harvard had the very special ability to predict which kids were about to be very special — that is, which kids were about to experience a dramatic growth in their IQ.

Did Rosenthal find that teachers' expectations of these kids really did affect the students?

As he followed the children over the next two years, Rosenthal discovered that the teachers' expectations of these kids really did affect the students. "If teachers had been led to expect greater gains in IQ, then increasingly, those kids gained more IQ," he says.

What happens if you claim your academic results did not reflect your capabilities?

Because if you just blankly claimed that your academic results did not reflect your capabilities, without offering any additional explanation to the readers, they would have no reason to proceed further with your application.

What is the first goal of an interview?

The first goal is to secure an interview invitation. Once you already interview with the members of the admission committee, you can convince them of your abilities, regardless of your GPA. Check sample answers no. 4 and no. 5 as a great example.

Can an empathetic person read your application?

Now, it is not guaranteed that an empathetic person will read your application. But if such a person does read it, and perhaps they experienced something similar in their life, and can envision your situation, they may as well give you a green light, and at least invite you for an interview.

Is GPA important in high school?

Sample answers. At the end of the day, GPA isn ’t the most important thing in the world . When you look at the list of billionaires (who made their fortune, not who inherited it), you’ll see that most of them have not even earned a University degree, and some actually dropped out of high school. Having said that, GPA still plays an important role in ...

pretty (adjective)

You use "pretty" before an adjective to show how much of that quality something has.

feel good about (something)

When you think that something is going well, you can say that you "feel good about" it:

What is the process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings, and intervening so that they learn particular

12th Nov, 2019. Mehrdad Niakousari. Shiraz University. As once a friend said" Teaching is the process of attending to people’s needs, experiences and feelings, and intervening so that they learn particular things, and go beyond the given ".

Why are irritating questions so to peaak, irritate the status quo and the mainstream?

In other words, irritating questions, so to peaak, irritate the status quo and the mainstream because such question challenge what is established and look for a better knowdedge of the unknown (see, for example, the irritation of Catholic Church because of Newton's challenge of the geocentric theory).
