_____ are beliefs about what will happen in a future situation. course hero

by Clemens Kemmer 4 min read

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Response Feedback: Good work Question 28 3 out of 3 points _____ are beliefs about what will happen in a future situation. Selected Answer: Expectati on Correct Answer: Expectati on Selected Answer : Expectati on Correct Answer : Expectati on

How would you go about explaining the reasons or evidence for beliefs?

Oct 29, 2012 · AACSB: Analytic Bloom's: Level 1 Remember Difficulty: 1 Easy Learning Objective: 06-05 Describe why economists believe that "shocks" and "sticky prices" are responsible for short-run fluctuations in output and employment. Topic: Uncertainty, Expectations, and Shocks 48. In economics, the word "shocks" refers to: A. Situations where firms' expectations are not met B.

How do past experiences give us any reason to believe?

Jan 08, 2019 · significant future event or situation that may or may not happen (What is contingency plan?, n.d.). The contingency plan in place reflects assurance for the family if anything unexpected or safety related occurs. Anamalia has been informed of what to do if an emergency arises.

Why does Foot say that someone who likes to do good is a morally better person?

Foot says that someone who likes to do good is a morally better person, because the struggle is a sign that there is a lack of virtue. Kant says that the person who has never faced temptation would be more susceptible. Also, he states that true virtue shows itself in the face of temptation.

What is descriptive ethics?

Descriptive ethics aims to describe peoples beliefs, claims and behaviors. Normative ethics uses judgement and attempts to evaluation if actions and things are in fact good or bad, and what it takes in fact to be a good or bad person.

Why do categorical imperatives require us to do certain things?

They require us, on pain of irrationality, to do certain things, but only because such actions will get us what we want. Categorical Imperatives are also a command of reason, but unlike hypothetical imperatives, categorical imperatives are rational requirements that do not depend on what we care about.

What is being treated as an end?

If something is being treated as a means to an end, they are being treated as a tool to achieve something. An example would be rape: that person is being used as a tool to fulfill the rapists desires. Treating someone as an end in themself is treating them morally.

What is universalization in psychology?

Universalization is asking oneself whether your moral or maxim should be universal. The question is, "What if everybody did this?" For example, if a bank robber stops to think, "What if everyone robbed banks?" and comes up with that there'd be no more banks to rob.

Who said knowledge is the source of ethics?

A higher power is often attributed as the source of ethics. Socrates said knowledge is the source of knowledge. Natural law says source of ethics is nature.

Is abduction moral?

An act utilitarian would say that it would be moral. As long as the aliens bring back cures for viral diseases, then the abduction is moral because it would bring about the greatest good for the greatest amount of people. Discuss the utilitarian approach to the question about the permissibility of torture.

What are beliefs?

Beliefs are interpretations, evaluations, conclusions, and predictions about the world that we endorse as true.

How do critical thinkers evaluate their beliefs?

Critical thinkers evaluate their beliefs by examining the evidence provided by authorities, references, factual evidence, and personal experience.

How to evaluate how accurate information is?

For example, when you ask directions from others, you try to evaluate how accurate the information is by examining the reasons or evidence that seems to support the information being given.

What does it mean when a belief is not falsifiable?

Because a belief that is not falsifiable can never be proved, such a belief is of questionable accuracy. Knowledge is clear, certain, and absolute, and is provided by authorities.

Why is it important to evaluate the credibility of a source?

Because the Internet has become such a pervasive source of information , it is particularly important to critically evaluate the credibility and bias of sources in determining the accuracy of the information being provided.

What is the idea of knowing?

is the ability to distinguish beliefs supported by strong reasons or evidence from beliefs for which there is less support, as well as from beliefs disproved by evidence to the contrary.

What is the responsibility of a researcher to explore every perspective?

We have a responsibility to explore every perspective, evaluate the supporting reasons for each, and develop our own informed conclusions that we are prepared to modify or change based on new information or better insight.
