answers to comedy defensive driving course how many police officers

by Madie Hyatt 10 min read

How long does a defensive driving course take to complete?

This means, if a course is supposed to take six hours long in a classroom, then you will need to spend six hours with the online defensive driving course as well. Even if you are finished with a page, you will not be allowed to move forward until the timer allows you to do so. This is extremely annoying.

Why is defensive driving important?

Employees that are often on the road are exposed to the possibility of being in an accident and defensive driving can prevent many injuries. View to get quiz #1 on defensive driving that includes an answer key. No items found.

Where can I take a defensive driving course in Texas?

For an affordable and entertaining defensive driving course in Texas, Improv Traffic School is the key. This solution is actually so simple but you’ll probably be kicking yourself for not thinking of this idea before.

What is the best mobile app for defensive driving courses?

The Aceable Defensive Driving mobile app is approved by the Texas TDLR, so you can finish the course on any mobile device. For convenience and interactive learning tools, Aceable is our top bet.

When discussing mile markers What was the number on the mile marker displayed?

markers, so that the number on the mile marker is the same as the number of the Interstate exit or interchange. Exit 40 will be at or very close to Mile 40. This is a real aid to navigation and trip planning. For example, if your destination is Exit 50, you know it's only 10 miles away.

What transportation causes more accidental deaths?

Transportation was the biggest source of all “unintentional injury deaths” (38%) — those not caused by old age, disease, suicide or homicide. Whatever the vehicle, highways are by far the most common place of transportation fatalities in the United States: 94%.

When pumping gas you should stop pumping when?

For starters, you may not even get extra fuel. Pumps are designed to automatically stop when air pressure changes are detected as the tank fills up.

Which one of our senses are we utilizing the most while driving on the road?

Out of all five senses, sight is the most relied on while you are behind the wheel of a car. It's important to see where you are going, but the other senses are all very important too. Using the ability to hear, smell, and touch increase your abilities while operating a vehicle.

Is a train safer than a car?

Amtrak collisions and passenger deaths are rare – despite high-profile crashes in the last year, according to industry statistics and experts. Trains remain safer for passengers than cars or buses, and nearly as safe as airliners, federal statistics show.

What is the deadliest mode of transportation?

With a rate of 212.57, riding a motorcycle is by far the most deadly way to get around - an enormous distance ahead of the second-most dangerous mode of transport - a car or light truck - with 7.28 fatalities per billion passenger miles.

Why do gas pumps cut off at $100?

Why do gas pump shut off at $100? Gas pumps shut off at $100 because of security measures on credit cards. If you pay with cash, you can avoid this. Still, that's not a great option for people who prefer the convenience of cash or use a credit card for rewards or cashback.

Do you waste gas if your car is on and parked?

As a matter of fact, allowing your car to idle for two minutes is equivalent of driving a mile. You can waste almost a gallon of gas if you leave your car idling for more than an hour. Burns up oil. Longer time leaving your engine running causes more motor oil to be circulated and burned up.

Can you use your phone while pumping gas?

Marando said the main reason why people shouldn't use their phone while getting gas – and why signs might still exist – is because, like when driving, it's a distraction. The biggest worry is if the pump isn't properly put into the car, or gasoline spills out.

When meeting a vehicle at night with only one headlight you should?

The law is also known as the "Compulsory Insurance Law". When meeting a Vehicle at night with one headlight, you should? 1. Stop where you are until the vehicle passes....Terms in this set (18)Focus on the center line.Concentrated on the car ahead.Fixed one quarter mile ahead.Moving to observe traffic.

What is defensive driving select your answer?

Defensive driving describes the practice of drivers who consciously reduce the dangers associated with driving. Defensive driving techniques reduce the likelihood of a collision or incident and can even save costs related to vehicle maintenance and fuel consumption, by driving smoothly and steadily.

What is the bump bump bump technique?

The “bump, bump, bump” technique involves only steering and doesn't require any braking or acceleration whatsoever. This technique will move your vehicle one lane over, quickly and safely. Start with your hands at the nine and three position on the steering wheel.

When will I receive my course certificate?

Certificates are processed daily. Choose your delivery option during registration. Upgrades also available until certificate has been printed: YOUR...

Are the CDDS Courses State Approved?

Comedy Defensive Driving School is approved by the TDLR and TEA and is accepted by all courts in Texas to dismiss traffic tickets. Online Couse #C1...

Do I have to do the online course in one sitting?

No. You can log in or out of the course at your convenience. You do not have to do it in one sitting. You can take the course from any internet con...

What if I fail the course?

The online course has a 99.99% pass rate, so it is unlikely you will fail. Each quiz allows 3 attempts. If you fail the course you must re-register...

How long is the course?

5-hours of instructional videos and quiz time with 1-hour of break time.

What is required for a course to be approved by the State?

All courses approved by the TDLR and TEA take a minimum of 360 minutes to complete. The course includes 5 hours of instructional and quiz time and...

Can I take the online course on my phone/tablet?

Yes. So long as you have access to the Internet, you can take this course on any device you like.

How often can I take a defensive driving course in Texas?

Texas state law allows you to dismiss only 1 traffic ticket every 12 months, but this is a bit of a grey law, and judges can allow this, so ask the...

Which violations can be dismissed with a defensive driving course?

Speeding, running a red light/sign, driving without a license, not wearing a seatbelt, and driving while using a mobile device are several examples...

Is this class approved for insurance discounts?

Not only are they available for traffic ticket dismissal, but our courses are also approved to provide insurance rate discounts (a standard discoun...

How long is a defensive driving course in Texas?

This means, if a course is supposed to take six hours long in a classroom, then you will need to spend six hours with the online defensive driving course as well.

What is aceable defensive driving?

Aceable might be new to the online defensive driving scene , but this multi-million dollar startup has exponentially grown over the past five years. Aceable offers innovative learning tools, including engaging videos, animations, and graphics. They’re also the first online driving school to offer a convenient dedicated app for driver education and defensive driving. The Aceable Defensive Driving mobile app is approved by the Texas TDLR, so you can finish the course on any mobile device. For convenience and interactive learning tools, Aceable is our top bet.

How to take the iDriveSafely test?

Step 1: Sign up for the iDriveSafely defensive driving course here. Step 2: Head over to this site for iDriveSafely test and quiz answers. Here’s the solution…. Take the course using a laptop, tablet device, or smartphone, and sit in front of your television and simply wait for the timer to tick down while you catch up on your favorite movies ...

Is iDriveSafely a good driving school?

You can’t go wrong with iDriveSafely, either. Did you know that it has the most number of approved defensive driving courses across the US? It’s consistently ranked as the number one online traffic school for a reason – they promote safe and responsible driving through interactive learning materials and expert instructors. They can boldly claim to be the pioneers of convenient online learning and get away with it. Besides getting engaging videos throughout your course, you can also access a live streaming video to enhance your learning experience. After over 15 years in the business, their customer base has grown to over 5-million drivers! Believe us when we say, these drivers have got nothing but glowing five stars to throw at iDriveSafely.

Is there a traffic school in Texas?

You’ll find a lot of state-approved comedy traffic schools in Texas, but no course will come close to the Improv Traffic School’s mastery of Edutainment. We’d happily attend traffic school if it means we get to watch Improv Traffic’s comedic skits and videos! Get 24/7 access to hilarious videos and resources, all while learning about responsible driving and road safety. While Improv Traffic’s mobile app may need some development, it’s still a better alternative than sitting in a classroom or in front of a computer. Students also get to contact a helpful support agent any time through live chat – that’s what you call customer support! For an affordable and entertaining defensive driving course in Texas, Improv Traffic School is the key.

How much is Improv’s online traffic school course?

Improv’s FL traffic school is surprisingly affordable and a tough price to beat. Other schools offer courses from $19.95- $39.95. Improv’s cost includes all state fees and a free certificate download. Watch out for other company’s hidden fees! Their program is accepted by all courts in Florida and FLDHSMV.

What happens after I complete my traffic school course?

Complete the course and submit your traffic school certificate of completion to the clerk of the court. Those who select reasons for attendance outside of Basic Driver improvement such as for Auto Insurance Discount or Business will not have to submit the documentation to a court clerk., but to their auto insurance agent and/or business manager.

How many times can I take online traffic school?

You can complete the traffic school course one time every 12 months while living in the state of Florida. However, you are limited to completing the course five times in your lifetime. If you sign up for FL traffic school and fail the final quiz, do not worry! You will receive unlimited attempts to pass the course.

How much time do I have to complete the traffic shool online and show proof of completion to the Clerk’s office?

After notifying the Clerk of your intention to take the traffic school course, you have 60 to 90 days from the point in time when the citation is issued to complete the traffic school course. You must also provide proof of completion within this time frame. The completion certificate must be submitted to the traffic division within the Clerk’s office. Be sure to check with the traffic division in the Clerk’s office in the county where you were cited for specific requirements.

Why do people take traffic school?

Most students take this course because they received a traffic citation for a basic infraction such as speeding, failure to obey a traffic control device, etc. and are opting to take traffic school to avoid points from appearing on their driving record. Other drivers take the course because they were ordered by the court to do so to avoid points and/or to prevent further action against their license.

Why do other drivers take the FLHSMV?

Other drivers take the course because they were ordered by the court to do so to avoid points and/or to prevent further action against their license. Florida drivers as well as out-of-state drivers also take this course if they received a letter from the FLHSMV indicating that they are required to take this course.

Do I need to appear in court before enrolling in online traffic school?

In most instances, you do not have to go to court before enrolling and completing the traffic school course. If your ticket is eligible to be paid online, it might be possible to avoid court. However, some tickets are not eligible to be paid online and must be paid in-person at the court. Look at your ticket’s small print and/or contact the court for more information.