after i finish my 3 classes course for real estate how do i apply to take my california state exam

by Dr. Rae Connelly V 6 min read

You will need to complete a Salesperson Examination Application and submit it along with the required fee and transcripts showing successful completion of the statutory college-level real estate courses and degrees. Once qualified, an Examination Schedule Notice or an authorization to self schedule will be sent to you.

Where can I take a real estate exam in California?

DRE administers tests at five exam centers around the state: Sacramento; Oakland; Fresno; La Palma (Orange County) San Diego; Before applying for a real estate license, applicants must meet education and experience requirements.

What is the best online course for real estate license exam?

1 Best Overall: Kaplan 2 Runner-Up, Best Overall: The CE Shop 3 Best for Accessibility: Real Estate Express 4 Best Value: Real Estate Exam Scholar 5 Best Bundle for Pre-Licensure and Exam Prep Courses: AceableAgent 6 Best for Self-Paced Learning: OnCourse Learning 7 Best for Brokers: CompuCram 8 Best for Additional Courses: 360 Training

How long does it take to complete a real estate course?

Each course approved by the Department of Real Estate is a minimum of 45 hours in length. Courses completed through foreign institutions of higher learning must be evaluated by a foreign credentials evaluation service approved by the Department of Real Estate.

How do I prepare for the real estate exam?

Real estate exam prep courses typically include: 1 Practice exam questions and answers 2 Study guides with real estate exam subjects 3 Practice math questions and explanations 4 Real estate definitions that you will need to know for the exam 5 Tricks to memorize concepts 6 Exam-taking tips 7 Materials with up to six months of access More ...

How long do I have to take real estate exam after course California?

18 daysThe California Department of Real Estate (DRE) has 18-day minimum wait periods for all final exams for licensing education courses. You must wait 18 days to attempt each final exam.

Where do I take my real estate exam in California?

Where do I take California real estate license exam? Examinations are generally administered throughout the state and include locations in Fresno, San Diego, the Los Angeles vicinity, Oakland, and Sacramento. For more information about times and locations, go to the California's Department of Real Estate here.

How do I get my California real estate license online?

California Real Estate License OnlineObtain your California real estate license in six steps:Step 2: Pass each of the 3 course Final Exams.Step 3: Apply for the State Salesperson Exam.Step 4: Pass the State Exam.Step 5: Get fingerprinted.More items...

How do I get a California real estate license?

The California Department of Real Estate (CDRE) requires individuals to complete the following 6 steps to receive a salesperson license.Complete 135 Hours of Approved Pre-License Education.Pass the Course Final Exam.Pass a Criminal Background Check.Pass the California Salesperson License Exam.More items...

Is the California real estate license exam open book?

Yes, the California final exam for any of the three, 45-hour pre-license courses is open book. You can use any textbooks or other resources when taking the final exam.

What is the fastest way to get a real estate license in California?

The Fastest Way to Apply for the Real Estate Exam When you complete the program, apply for the Real Estate Exam as soon as possible using the RE Form 435. This is your joint real estate exam and real estate license application form. In other words, it's a combo form.

How many times can you take the real estate exam in California?

There is no limit as to how many times you can take the state exam. You can take the state exam as many times as needed until you pass. You simply have to reschedule your next exam attempt and pay the $60 exam fee.

How hard is real estate exam California?

The California real estate salesperson exam isn't easy to pass. According to education providers in the state, the pass rate averages around 50 percent or less. That means at least half of those taking the test on a given day will, in all probability, get a failing score.

How much does a realtor make in California?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average income for Real Estate agents in the state of California is $73,450. California is one of the top earning states for Real Estate agents.

How can I get my Realtor license?

Here's a general overview of how you get there.Step 1: Take a pre-licensing course. Cost: $200 to $300. ... Step 2: Take the licensing exam. Cost: $100 to $300. ... Step 3: Active your real estate agent license. Pass the test? ... Step 4: Consider becoming a Realtor® ... Step 5: Join a brokerage.

Do real estate courses expire in California?

A: If you completed a full-semester (or equivalent) Real Estate Principles course in college, no matter how long ago, or a Real Estate Principles course from a private vocational school in California, You will not need to re-take the course as the certificate of completion is valid forever.

What courses are required for a California real estate license?

Successful completion of three college-level courses is required to qualify for a real estate salesperson examination:Real Estate Principles, and.Real Estate Practice, and.One course from the following list: Real Estate Appraisal. Property Management. Real Estate Finance. Real Estate Economics. Legal Aspects of Real Estate.

How long does it take to get a real estate license?

Depending on the pre-licensing program you choose and your dedication to your studies, the process of obtaining your real estate license could take weeks or months. The requirements for real estate licensing vary widely from state to state. Some states require a certain level of education, and/or a certain number of credit hours in real estate ...

What are the requirements for a broker license?

Other eligibility requirements that differ from state to state include: 1 Education requirements 2 Hours of coursework minimums 3 On-the-job training requirements 4 Exam pass rates 5 Proof of employment with a sponsor or managing broker/brokerage 6 Errors and omissions insurance

Do I need to pass the state and national exam to get a license?

You will need to pass both the national and state portions of the exam, which can be taken together in some states, in order to get your license.

Can a third party administer real estate?

In most cases, a third party—not your real estate licensing school—will administer your licensing exam. Your local real estate board should be able to direct you to the appropriate testing center. It’s important that you confirm that the testing center you’re using has been approved to administer the test.

Do I need to take a pre-licensing exam to become a realtor?

All states require some type of real estate pre-licensing education. Once you complete your coursework, you will have to pass a state administered exam in order to continue. Some states require you to have a certain number of hours of on-the-job training in addition to your pre-licensing coursework.

Is there a checklist for real estate?

There is no national standard real estate licensing checklist. Each state sets its own requirements. You may face residency restrictions, requirements for pre-licensing coursework, and a lot of paperwork.

Can I apply for a real estate license after passing the exam?

Only after you have met all requirements and passed your real estate license exam can you apply for a real estate license. You will need to know the application deadline in your particular state, and whether or not you will need to show proof of errors and omissions (E&O) insurance before you apply.

What is considered possession during an exam?

Possession or use at any time during the examination or while the examinee is on the examination premises of any device, material, or document that is not expressly authorized for use by examinees during the examination, including, but not limited to, notes, crib sheets, textbooks, and electronic devices.

Can you use a calculator in California?

Basic calculators are provided for your use; therefore, use of a personal calculator will not be allowed. You cannot inspect your book or answer sheet after the examination session has ended (Section 1798.40 (e) of the California Civil Code).

Do you have to answer correctly to pass the exam?

To pass the examination, you must correctly answer at least: Since the examination is qualifying in nature, examinees who pass are not informed of their final score. You will be notified of the actual score, and the percentage of questions answered correctly in each of the subject areas, only when unsuccessful.

Can I retake my SAT exam after failing?

You may apply to re-take the examination after notification of failure of a prior test. Do NOT submit a new application and fee or otherwise attempt to obtain a new examination date prior to receiving the results of this examination. You must wait until you receive your results before re-applying for a new test date.

Can an examinee share examination materials?

An examinee may not share the use of examination materials with any other examinee. (b) A violation of any of the above rules or verbal directives of an examination proctor is ground to disqualify an examinee and to initiate appropriate administrative action to deny the issuance of a license to the examinee.

What is a broker in real estate?

In real estate, brokers are almost always agents with years of experience and a broker’s license. When you’re just getting started in your career, it helps to tap into the knowledge and network of someone who has worked in the region in which you’re looking to do real estate transactions. You can think of a broker as both your partner and your boss, as they’ll help you maneuver through the beginning of your journey as a real estate agent in exchange for a commission split. The price of the properties being bought or sold through a brokerage determines the commission amount, but usually, brokers calculate their cut based off of a flat fee or commission split.

Is it good to have a timeline when selling real estate?

In real estate, if you’re not selling property, you’re not making money . As you’re getting started in your career, it can be beneficial to set a timeline for the things you’d like to accomplish. Whether you choose to outline your ideal first five years or would rather keep things shorter term by planning the first year of your professional career, creating a timeline can be a good way to keep yourself accountable for success.

How long is the California real estate exam?

California Real Estate Principles. Salesperson Licensing Exam is 3 hours and consists of 150 multiple-choice questions. A score of 70% or higher is required to pass. Broker Licensing Exam exam is 4 hours and consists of 200 multiple-choice questions. A score of 75% or higher is required to pass.

What is the California Department of Real Estate?

The California Department of Real Estate is the governing body for real estate licensing and continuing education. Learn more at

How long does it take to get a sales license in Kaplan?

You must wait 18 days to attempt each final exam. Due to the minimum wait periods required by the DRE, it will take students a minimum of 54 days to complete the required licensing education courses. Apply for your Salesperson Exam/License Application, including fingerprinting and background check. Kaplan does not offer fingerprinting in ...

How long does it take to get a salesperson license in California?

California DRE will send you an approval to take the licensing exam, this process can take 1–2 months to complete. Take the California Salesperson License Exam. To pass the exam you will need a score of 70% or better. Go into exam day knowing you are fully prepared for success.

What time does Kaplan reprint certificates?

Currently enrolled students with questions about reprinting a certificate, locating/tracking materials, or requesting a transfer, please contact our Customer Support team Monday–Thursday 9:00 am to 7:00 pm, and Friday 9:00 am to 6:00 pm Eastern Time via email at [email protected] or via phone:

How much do real estate agents make?

According to, most real estate agents earn on average between $36,566 and $47,610 annually. How much agents make depends on the number of transactions they complete, the commission paid to the brokerage, and their split with the sponsoring broker.

How many hours can you take in California?

Per California regulations, you cannot complete more than 15 credit hours within a 24 hour period. Our system will make online exams available based on this regulation in a rolling manner. If you are in a time crunch, please check back often to see if you have additional items available to complete.

How many years do you have to take the real estate exam in Florida?

The average Florida real estate exam pass rate is only 47% for first-time test takers. 1 Typically, you have two years from the time you finish your pre-licensure classes to take the real estate exam.

How do I become a real estate broker?

In order to be a broker, you have to take specific pre-licensure broker courses and pass a state broker’s exam. This is in addition to the salesperson licensing requirements.

What happens if you don't pass the real estate exam?

If you don’t pass your salesperson or broker exam the first time you will get a full refund. They’re ideal for the student on a budget who has already taken the pre-licensure courses and just needs to take the exam prep course before the real estate exam.

What is on course learning?

OnCourse Learning is a five-time member of the Inc. 5000 list and offers online self-paced classes. It includes updated course material for real estate salesperson and broker licenses including exam prep, pre- and post-licensure classes, and continuing education courses. We chose OnCourse Learning as our best real estate exam prep for self-paced learning because they offer a learn-at-your-own-pace program that goes into detail about each part of the exam.

How long is exam scholar good for?

Exam Scholar focuses solely on exam prep courses and doesn’t offer continuing education or pre-licensure courses. Its exam prep courses are good for six months but can be completed in a weekend or spread out over the course of weeks or months depending upon what your schedule allows. The courses are self-paced, online-only, and include more than 25 practice exams, flashcards, exam hints and secrets, and easily downloadable content. They use what they call "Immersion Technology" to simulate a real exam environment to prepare you for the big day.

What is exam prep?

Exam prep courses are designed to help people prepare for their tests and can boost pass rates to over 95%. 2 The best courses are effective (helping most students pass their tests), accessible (with materials they can refer back to), and have great reviews, without being overly costly.

How much does the Career Launcher package cost?

The Career Launcher Package—an online course designed to help one launch a real estate business that includes both licensing and exam prep content—is $400 to $800, with 75 to 170 hours of learning, depending on your state.

How long does it take to complete a real estate course?

The minimum time to complete courses according to the Department of Real Estate (DRE) is 2 1/2 weeks (18 calendar days) per course from the date you receive your material.

How long do you have to extend a course?

If you extend for three months, you have three months from the original expiration date of your course (s). If you extend for one year, you have one year from the date of re-enrollment. REMEMBER, if the textbook edition has changed, you will be required to purchase the current textbook to extend the course. ​.

How long does it take to get a DRE license?

From the day you mail your application to the DRE, it usually takes 3 to 4 weeks to get a state exam test date.

How long can you renew your license after it expires?

If your license expires, you may renew on a late basis for up to two years following the expiration date. NOTE: Activities requiring a license cannot be performed while the license is expired. Late renewal fees are 150% of on-time fees.

Can a person without a broker get a real estate license?

However, a salesperson without an employing broker may not perform acts requiring a real estate license. Completion of three college-level courses is required to qualify for a real estate salesperson examination: 1.

Is live class refundable?

Our live class program is not refundable. If for whatever reason you are unable to attend a session you can reschedule to a different time at no charge. You may also transfer the class to someone else as long has class has not started.

Is the California real estate license good for life?

The California Real E state Pre license course certificates are good for life. There is no expiration date and no deadline required to be met before you apply to take the California State Exam. ​. Requirements to apply for a real estate salesperson license.

How to renew a real estate license?

Real estate salespersons renewing an original license for the first time, must complete 45 clock hours of DRE-approved continuing education consisting of: 1 Five separate three-hour courses in the following subjects: Ethics, Agency, Trust Fund Handling, Fair Housing, and Risk Management; and 2 A minimum of 18 clock hours of consumer protection courses; and 3 The remaining clock hours required to complete the 45 hours of continuing education may be related to either consumer service or consumer protection courses.

How many hours of continuing education do I need to take consumer protection?

A minimum of 18 clock hours of consumer protection courses; and. The remaining clock hours required to complete the 45 hours of continuing education may be related to either consumer service or consumer protection courses.





Acceptable Forms of Identification

Examination Control Information

Conduct Penalties

Notification of Examination Results

Re-Taking The Examination

  • You may apply to re-take the examination afternotification of failure of a prior test. Do NOT submit a new application and fee or otherwise attempt to obtain a new examination date prior to receiving the results of this examination. You must wait until you receive your results before re-applying for a new test date. Failure to follow these instruct...
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