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by Miss Pansy Abbott II 4 min read

What happens after Army basic training?

You may be thinking, “Now what?” After Army basic training, the next step in your Army career is to attend Advanced Individual Training. Advanced Individual Training (AIT) is where soldiers learn how to perform the tasks required in their specific Military Occupational Specialty (MOS).

When do you get your next duty station after AIT?

Shortly before the end of AIT, you will receive notification on your next duty station. Upon graduation, you will be offered government transport to your next duty station. If you plan to use some leave time, you can usually use this time to take a short leave or report for Hometown Recruiting.

Can you take a break between boot camp and AIT?

For those who will be completing AIT at the same location they attended Boot Camp, or for those in OSUT (One Station Unit Training), leave time is generally not permitted. For those who will be traveling to another location, there is a short break between boot camp and AIT.

Can you leave Lackland Air Force base after graduation?

Air Force graduations happen on Thursday, and there is plenty to keep busy in the days following. Immediately after the graduation ceremony, you will have what is called base liberty, which is called the Thursday Pass. You are not allowed to leave Lackland Air Force Base. However, there is plenty to do.

What comes after military training?

AIT is the next step after you complete Basic Combat Training. During AIT, you learn the necessary skills, discipline and work ethic you need to perform your specific Army job.

What do you do after joining the military?

After you've completed your active duty time, you can either extend your contract or re-enlist if you want to continue serving. Officers make up a much smaller part of the workforce. To join as an officer, you typically must have a four-year college degree and complete an officer program.

What do soldiers do after graduation?

Advanced Individual Training(AIT) ranges from 4 to 52 weeks depending on a Soldier's MOS. After graduating from basic training, Soldiers will go to AIT where they will complete Phase IV and Phase V before joining their unit.

How long is Army training?

about 10 weeksThe complete Army basic training cycle is about 10 weeks, divided into three phases: Red, White and Blue, which last about three weeks each. After passing the final tests of the Blue Phase, your next step is the graduation ceremony, where you'll get to celebrate your accomplishments with your friends and family.

What is the age limit for military?

The federal law that can be manipulated in a case by case basis states that the minimum age for enlistment in the United States military is 17 (with parental consent) and 18 (without parental consent). The maximum age is 35.

Can you leave the Army after 2 years?

There is no way to simply quit the military once you are on active duty. You are contractually, and perhaps morally, obligated to see your commitment through. However, you could be discharged from duty early if you are physically or psychologically unable to perform your duties.

How many jobs are in the Army?

The Army calls their enlisted jobs MOSs, or "Military Occupation Specialties." The Army has around 190 MOSs available for enlisted Soldiers. Similar specialties are divided into "branches" or "fields." These are the Army enlisted job fields with the MOSs that fall under that branch.

Does the military pay for college?

In return for a service commitment after you graduate, the Army will pay for your college tuition, books, and other expenses. Provides full and partial scholarships to receive a college degree with immediate job placement as a leader and manager in the U.S. Army.

How can I join the Army?

What to Know Before JoiningAge: Between 17-35 years old.Medical, Moral, Physical: Medically and physically fit, and in good moral standing.Citizenship: A U.S. citizen or permanent resident with a valid Green Card.Education: A high school graduate or equivalent.Test Score: A minimum score on the Army's placement exam.

Is Army training hard?

While Army basic training is hard, it is always something you will look back on with pride and remember the fun you had, even when it wasn't very fun at the time.

How does Army pay work?

Your monthly pay is automatically split in half and distributed twice a month, but if you're in the Army or Air Force, you can opt to receive a monthly lump sum instead. Use the military pay charts below for a sample of service members' 2022 active-duty pay rates.

Which military branch is the best?

via U.S. Marine Corps The Marine Corps is the top-rated military service branch, according to reviews on the career website Glassdoor....Here is how every service fared on the site:Marine Corps: 4.2 stars.Air Force: 4.1 stars.Navy: 4.0 stars.Coast Guard: 4.0 stars.Army: 3.9 stars.

What is the next step in the Army?

After Army basic training, the next step in your Army career is to attend Advanced Individual Training. Advanced Individual Training (AIT) is where soldiers learn how to perform the tasks required in their specific Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). This time in your Army career is when you gain some independence and start to become more ...

What is the AIT graduation?

Army AIT Graduation. After soldiers have demonstrated the ability to live by the Army’s values, met all academic and physical testing requirements, completed Rifle Marksmanship (refresher) training and met any other requirements, they will attend AIT graduation. Graduation size and locations vary based on school location.

What is Army Advanced Individual Training?

Army Advanced Individual Training provides the skills necessary to perform your MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) job functions. AIT will follow the Army’s Basic Combat Training, or also known as Boot Camp. There are several training locations in 10 different states. The location and length will depend on your MOS.

How long is AIT training?

AIT training lengths vary from 4 weeks to over 50 weeks. The shortest AIT is currently Infantry with 4 weeks of training. There are several MOSs that have training times above 50 weeks.

How long does AIT last?

During AIT soldiers will be in different phases. Phase IV offers fewer privileges and lasts usually around 3-4 weeks. Some of the shorter Advanced Individual Training courses will not be long enough to advance to further privileges.

What is AIT training?

AIT consists of classroom, hands-on and field training that focuses on general and specific job functions. Soldiers will still be required to stay physically fit and attend physical training daily. Most days are structured with specific timelines for each segment of your day.

How long does it take to travel to AIT?

Most of the time the travel time ranges from 1-3 days.

How many areas of soft skills training are there in the military?

They are skills some will partially have instinctively, while others require additional training.</p> <p>There are at least eight areas of soft skills training that most veterans have already experienced in the military.

What are the positions of a faculty member?

Various faculty positions:#N#Department Dean#N#Educator in Residence#N#Dean of Students 1 Department Dean 2 Educator in Residence 3 Dean of Students

Do retired veterans have to learn to work?

Some employers will respond favorably to a retired veteran with limited experience and will provide the opportunity to “learn on the job.”. Secondly, by researching and seeking further education in each of the soft skills, your employment value will increase with each.

Can you learn by trial and error?

First, actual experience, learning by trial and error. Your experience in any of the soft skills, regardless of the level of experience, should not be disregarded. Some employers will respond favorably to a retired veteran with limited experience and will provide the opportunity to “learn on the job.”.

How long does it take to train for security forces?

Security Forces is another meaningful career in the Air Force. The training for Security Forces is 65 days long and occurs at Lackland Air Force Base.

How long does it take to train at AIT?

For instance, if your job is to be administrative, you attend AIT at Keesler Air Force Base for 41 days. During that time, you learn office management policies and the skills necessary for official documents.

What is AIT in the Air Force?

After basic, you attend Advanced Individual Training (AIT). AIT is where you learn the necessary skills needed for entry-level at your Air Force career. This technical training depends on your career. There are several Air Force careers, and most of the training for the careers happen between four bases.

What time does Base Liberty end?

Base liberty ends at 6:00 pm, which is earlier than previous days, but Monday is a day where graduates leave Lackland Air Force base and continue with the next phase of what happens after Air Force basic training. Related Article – Air Force Basic Training Graduation Gift Ideas.

What does it mean to graduate from the Air Force?

Graduating from Air Force basic training means you accomplished a significant milestone in your life. However, you are probably wondering what happens after Air Force basic training. There are several steps to consider before your life returns to a regular routine. For instance, the weekend after graduation is a time of celebration ...

How long is the security force training?

The training for Security Forces is 65 days long and occurs at Lackland Air Force Base. You will not have to go far once processing out after basic training. Security Forces receive law enforcement training, learn combat skills, and protect both people and property.

How many days of leave do you get in the Air Force?

Recruits usually have banked five days of leave by the end of basic training. Leave is accrued during technical school, too, but not all training programs are long enough to accrue the additional five days. You could also go straight to your first duty station, and the Air Force pays for your flight.

What is the next step in carrying?

As you are working on finding a way to carry that is comfortable and of relative ease for everyday carry, the next and maybe most important step is to create a training, learning and practice plan that will work for your lifestyle . This includes, but is not limited to live and dry-fire practice, skill related drills, weapon maintenance, cardiovascular training, and mental acuity.

What is the first step after getting a graduate certificate?

The first step after receiving your graduate certificate is a pretty obvious one. You've got to go and get your concealed carry permit! I mean, that's the whole reason why you took the class, after all.

What is training in gun clubs?

Training: Training refers to getting more instruction from a trainer or instructor. You can do this to some extent at your local gun club by signing up for their additional classes and courses but it will only take you so far. Eventually you will want to just hire an instructor to work with you one on one.

How to verify military experience?

Your service branch is required to verify your military experience and training. Your Verification of Military Experiences and Training form DD 2586 assesses your knowledge, experience and skills as they relate to civilian jobs. The form provides: 1 Military experience and training 2 Recommended college-credit information 3 Civilian-equivalent job titles

What is the military onesource number?

For immediate assistance or to access confidential help, call the Military OneSource toll free number at 800-342-9647. You can also contact us if you have any questions. Submit.

What is a tap in the military?

The DoD’s TAP is an outcome-based program that bolsters opportunities, services and training for transitioning service members in their preparation to meet post-military goals, and should not be confused with TAPS, an acronym for the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors.

How long does it take to transition to retirement?

It is recommended retirees begin the transition process at least two years prior to retirement. In the event of an unanticipated separation or retirement, or a member of the Reserve Component is demobilized with less than 365 days, TAP must begin as soon as possible within the remaining period of service.

What is DD 2586?

Your service branch is required to verify your military experience and training. Your Verification of Military Experiences and Training form DD 2586 assesses your knowledge, experience and skills as they relate to civilian jobs. The form provides:

When was the TAP curriculum signed?

TAP curriculum. In 2018, President Donald Trump signed the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019 into law, which significantly altered the Department of Defense Transition Assistance Program for the first time since 2011.

How long does a transition counseling need to be?

Pre-separation counseling, just like IC, must start no later than 365 days prior to transition. Pre-separation counseling covers by-law information to include benefits, entitlements and resources for eligible transitioning service members.
