ace how long does a course take to finish

by Devin Sipes 8 min read

80 to 120 hours

Full Answer

How long does it take to complete an ace distance course?

HOW LONG DOES IT TYPICALLY TAKE TO COMPLETE AN ACE DISTANCE COURSE? Courses vary from 80 to 120 hours in length. You are allowed a maximum of 20 weeks to complete each course. You’ll need to devote an average of 10 hours per week to your studies.

How do I know if a course is approved by Ace?

If you took the course in a previous year, call ACE Educational Services at (800) 825-3636 to determine whether the course was actually approved during the year that you completed it. Q: The course I took is listed on the ACE-Approved Directory, but there is no course code on my certificate of completion.

Where can I find a complete list of ACE courses?

For a complete list of ACE courses, see our COURSES page. Upon completion of the required courses, you can apply to the registrar’s office at your registering college to receive an ACE Certificate.

Can an ACE certified professional re-take my course?

*Once an ACE Certified Professional has redeemed the CECs for completing your course, they may re-take your course but will not be eligible to redeem credits a second time. Q: How long will it take ACE to process my application? ACE will review your completed application package within 30 days of receipt and payment in full.

How long does Ace take to complete?

The learning experience is self-paced, typically taking 80-100 hours over 3-4 months and is centered around ACE University, our intuitive learning platform. In addition, you will have access to ACE Answers study support to assure you are well prepared for your certification exam.

How long does ACE CPT take?

The ACE CPT Exam is known for being one of the most difficult personal training certifications to pass. Out of the almost 800-page textbook they select 150 questions that need to be completed in a three hour time limit. This can cause major anxiety as knowing what to study can be hard to determine.

How long do ACE certifications last?

two yearsIn order to keep delivering on your mission to get people moving, you are required to maintain a current ACE Certification and demonstrate your continued competence through continuing education credits (CECs) and certification renewal every two years.

Is Ace a good program?

Introduction. Out of the gate, I want to emphasize that ACE, and NASM are two of the best personal training certifications in existence. Additionally, both ACE and NASM offer a range of nutrition certification programs, strength and conditioning certifications, and group fitness instructor programs.

Is Ace exam open book?

It is not an open book test, but the study materials you prepare with can help you narrow down the lengthy textbook (500 pages), and nail down the knowledge you need to know in order to pass the exam, and essentially, to succeed as a certified personal trainer.

Is Ace or NASM easier?

Exam Difficulty and Pass Rate NASM has a pass rate of 64.3% while ACE has one of 65%. Pretty much the same right? Wrong! In actual fact, the ACE exam turns out to be harder despite having a slightly higher pass rate, and here's why.

How much does it cost to take ACE exam?

If you don't have this certification, then you'll need to get it before signing up for the ACE certification exam. The cost is miniscule at $29.95, but even still it's a cost to factor in when considering, “How much does it cost to get ACE certified?”

Does ACE CPT expire?

ACE CERTIFICATIONS are valid for two years, expiring on the last day of the month in which the certification was earned two years prior.

How many questions are on the ACE health Coach exam?

This Certification Exam consists of 150 multiple-choice questions, with only 125 being scored and the other 25 being purely experimental for future exams. There will be a total of 3 hours to complete the exam, and you can score between 200 and 800, with 500 being a passing score.

Is Ace curriculum easy?

Easy to read and self explanatory for the student. ACE is great, it is not rushed at all. The children go at their own PACE! That why it's called PACE because you don't move ahead until the child firmly grasps the teaching concept.

Is Ace better than NASM?

NASM has a slight advantage over ACE here because of the cheaper recertification fee. After this comparative study on ACE vs NASM, we can say that both certifications have strengths and weaknesses depending on what you want to do in the fitness industry.

What is the hardest personal trainer certification?

* The “hardest” personal trainer certification: The NCSA-CPT is the most difficult of the three, as its content is relatively technical and assumes a solid background in the subjects of anatomy, physiology and physics.

What to do if ACE course is not listed?

If the course is not listed there, it was not approved for this year and you will need to petition the course. If you took the course in a previous year, call ACE Educational Services at (800) 825-3636 to determine whether the course was actually approved during the year that you completed it.

What is ACE CEC?

ACE also gives continuing education credits (CECs) for a variety of other professional development activities. Call ACE Support if you performed any of the following within your current renewal cycle:

How many CECs are there in a quarter hour?

In university undergraduate environments, one semester hour is equivalent to 1.0 CECs; a quarter hour equivalent to 0.8 CECs. For university extension classes to qualify, a grade report or transcript must reflect at least a “C” grade.

What does NCCA certification mean?

Earning a certification accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) means that you as a fitness professional have the knowledge and appropriate level of professional recognition to hold a legitimate place on the healthcare continuum.

How long is a short recorded live event?

Short Recorded Live Event: May include recorded conference sessions, webinars, video or podcasts, online sessions or webcasts; with a duration of a minimum 50 minutes with a maximum of two-hours. Must include a quiz. Short Recorded Live Event.

What is ACE pre-approval?

ACE pre-approval is a voluntary process that organizations who provide continuing education courses may choose to complete. The Education Providers and their respective courses on the pre-approved list are listed there because they have chosen to seek ACE approval and met our high standards for quality continuing education. If the course you took is not on the list, it is most likely because the provider of the education has not chosen to submit to ACE for approval yet.

How long do you keep your certificate of completion?

Keep all your certificates of completion and any other course documentation for at least four years. Continuing education costs may be tax deductible as a business expense. Please check with your tax consultant for details.

When are ACE courses free?

Free courses are available in January, March, April, June, September and November. Before registering for any ACE Distance course, you must have completed the steps listed on the ONLINE LEARNING page. Learn to Learn and the Support courses start on most Tuesdays throughout the year. 11.

How to take ACE distance?

Briefly, the steps are as follows: 1. Submit the online application form. 2. Complete the SKILLSMARKER online skills assessments (1 to 2 hours) and meet the required entry scores. 3. Complete the required Learn to Learn introductory course (15 to 20 hours over the course of three weeks).

What is an ACE certificate?

The ACE Certificate is a grade 12 equivalent certificate offered by Ontario’s public colleges. It is recognized for admission to college programs and for registration as an apprentice in Ontario. A growing number of employers also recognize ACE for hiring and promotion.

How many hours do you need to study for a masters degree?

Courses vary from 80 to 120 hours in length. You are allowed a maximum of 20 weeks to complete each course. You’ll need to devote an average of 10 hours per week to your studies. Depending on the number of hours you study each week and your motivation, you may complete in less time.

What is online learning?

Online learning is a form of teacher-led, flexibility-paced study that offers an alternative to courses. delivered in a traditional classroom setting. You need reliable access to a computer with an Internet connection. You study from home or anywhere you can access the Internet.

Can I take ACE distance classes?

Yes, you can. If you would like to apply for an ACE Distance course while you are also registered in a college academic upgrading/ACE program, you should first discuss it with your advisor in your college program so s/he is aware. You can then send an email to [email protected] to start the registration process for ACE Distance.

ACE Certification - How long did it take you?

I'm looking into completing the ACE certification program and was wondering how long this should be expected to take for someone with several years of lifting/dieting experience. I know everyone is different, I'm just looking for some representative samples from people who have done the self-study course.

Re: ACE Certification - How long did it take you?

You may be able to take the exam without studying. A lot of people pass the ACE exam that way.

How Long Does It Take to Study for the ACE Personal Trainer Exam?

How long the test takes to study for, of course, depends on each individual. If you decided to get your health coach certification online or in an institution, you can expect to study for roughly 100 hours over four months as a baseline.

What is a Passing Score for the ACE Personal Trainer Exam?

Of course, if you’re planning on taking the ACE exam, you’ll want to know the minimum requirements for a passing score.

Is the ACE Exam Multiple Choice?

Knowing the types of questions you’ll find on the exam is almost as important as knowing the general information. Once you know the format of the problems, you’ll be able to prepare more efficiently than if you’re simply studying information.

How long is ACE credit?

If the learning outcomes or curriculum have changed, it is likely that the ACE credit recommendations have changed as well. Let’s say you take a course for 18 weeks in 2017 and the same course offered in 2020 has been reduced to only 12 weeks.

How long is an ACE evaluation valid?

ACE Learning Evaluations for the Military recommendations are valid for 10 years, unless the course is changed and the service submits it again for a re-review. ACE Learning Evaluations recommendations for workplace and alternative educational experiences are valid for 3 years before courses must be submitted for re-review.

What is an ACE transcript?

An ACE transcript provides a complete list of all training and examinations that you have taken for which you earned ACE's Learning Evaluations recommendations. If you have taken training at your workplace or an examination for a professional certification or license which has not been evaluated by ACE Learning Evaluations, the training would not be included on the ACE transcript. However, many colleges and universities have transfer policies and prior learning assessment programs that provide opportunities for you to submit those learning experiences for potential college credit. Learn more about credit for prior learning.

What is ACE credit?

The ACE Credit for Prior Learning Network is a group of institutions that have agreed to consider ACE credit recommendations. Each institution reviews the recommendations and determines if and how specific recommendations may meet requirements for the degree programs in which you are enrolled.

What is an ACE credit recommendation?

An ACE credit recommendation represents college-level equivalencies based on a review of workforce training, military training or occupations, and other sources of learning outside the college classroom, such as national exams and certifications. The ACE Review is carried out by a team of subject matter experts who currently serve as faculty at universities and community colleges. Together, they decide if the learning experience has similar outcomes to a college course. The recommendation identifies and describes the course subject, the level of learning, and the number of credit hours recommended based on the review.

What to do if a college has denied your ACE recommendation?

If a college has denied your request to transfer your ACE recommendations, you could try to appeal the decision. Every college has an appeal process, which is often described in the college catalog. Find out what documentation you will need to provide and to whom you should direct your appeal. The college may request that you provide additional information about your training, such as a syllabus.

What is a POC in ACE?

Each service is represented by a main point of contact (POC), who is designated by the Chief for Voluntary Education to work with ACE Military Programs. This POC is required to submit a proposed schedule of installations/schoolhouses to visit, as well as a list of occupations to review each year. It is the joint decision of the POC and the schoolhouse representative to determine what will be submitted for review by ACE Military Programs. Individual service members cannot submit a course to ACE or request that an individual course or occupation be evaluated. This request must come from the designated POC or schoolhouse representative.
