according to yunus, which of following "is the basic source of poverty"? (course hero)

by Mr. Jerald Welch 8 min read

Who are the two people who argue that credit is undoubtedly valuable to the poor?

John Gershman and Jonathan Murdoch , New York University professors at the Financial Access Initiative, argue that credit is undoubtedly valuable to the poor. However, they see the right to credit as a subset of the right to be free of discrimination. Gershman and Murdoch argue that the poor shouldn’t be denied access to credit just as they shouldn’t be denied access to other goods and services based on their socioeconomic status.

What are the basic rights of a human being?

Human rights include the right to clean water, the right to education, and the right to be free of slavery.

Is credit a human right?

Yunus believes that credit is also a human right. He said, “Every poor person must be allowed a fair chance to improve his/her economic condition. This can be easily done by ensuring his/her right to credit. If the existing financial institutions fail to ensure that right, it is the obligation of the state and the world community to help find alternative financial institutions which will guarantee this fundamental human right. This is basic for the economic emancipation of the poor, in general, and poor women, in particular.”

What are the five areas of poverty?

As a result of the poverty trap the village faces under investment in the following five areas. Agriculture. Health. Education. Power, transport and communications infrastructure. Sanitation and water.

Why is Sachs' argument that injections of aid are needed to break the poverty trap?

Sachs argues that injections of aid are needed to break the poverty trap –because there is no where else money is going to come from when there is insufficient income to tax or save.

What does Sachs say about African stereotypes?

Sachs points out that he frequently encounters prejudiced views based on African stereotypes even among those in senior positions in the aid industry – Such as the idea that Africans don’t understand western concepts of time. He dispels this by simply drawing on his own experiences telling him different things.

Why should aid be spent on areas that are undeveloped?

Aid needs to be spent boosting whichever of these areas are undeveloped (and all of them, all at once, if necessary) because a weakness in one can mean money is wasted on another (it’s pointless spending billions on education if disease means kids can’t concentrate in school, or lack of roads means they can’t get to school.). This should be based on what Sachs calls a ‘ clinical diagnoses ‘ of a countries requirements.

Why should we not invest in a country?

This is because when incomes increase people have more of an interest in keeping governments in check and there is more money to invest in good governance through better communication systems and a more educated civil service for example.

Who believes we should spend more on aid rather than less?

Ultimately Sachs believes we should be spending more on aid rather than less!

Why are African countries so slow to grow?

The reason for their low growth is geography and poorly developed infrastructure.
