a mechanistic design is best applied in which of the following situations? course hero

by Dr. Palma Volkman III 10 min read

When is a mechanistic design best applied?

A mechanistic design is best applied in which of the following situations? High volume assembly lines According to the text, the strategic planning process at Hewlett Packard Canada in the late 1980's resulted in Hewlett Packard being one of the toughest competitors in the marketplace

Which of the following is a characteristic of mechanistic structures?

Characteristics of mechanistic structures include: Well-defined hierarchy Top-level managers make the majority of decisions Individualized job specialization Low integration between functional areas or departments

When is a mechanistic structure best suited for a company?

The mechanistic structure is best suited for companies that operate in a stable and certain environment. In general, a mechanistic structure is easy to maintain and rarely needs to be changed when an organization operates in a stable environment.

What is the mechanistic structure of higher level management?

Higher level managers are involved in decision making whereas their subordinates are expected to carry out specific task or tasks within the department. Therefore, the mechanistic structure provides fewer opportunities for learning.

What is a mechanistic structure?

A mechanistic structure, also known as a bureaucratic structure, describes an organizational structure that is based on a formal, centralized network. The mechanistic structure is best suited for companies that operate in a stable and certain environment.

What is the authority of a mechanistic organization?

In mechanistic organizations, authority reflects a well-defined hierarchy where top-level managers make the majority of the decisions. Because the environment is relatively stable, complex decision-making processes that involve multiple parties are not required.

Why is the design of a mechanistic organization important?

First, there is a very narrow information network because information usually only flows vertically within the hierarchy. Second, knowledge is centralized at the top of the organization and is used in the coordination of the tasks of each specialized part of the organization.

What is a mechanistic organization?

A mechanistic organization is a concept developed by British theorists Tom Burns and G.M. Stalker in their work titled The Management of Innovation, written in 1961 . According to them, characteristics of a mechanistic organization include a high degree of organizational complexity, formalization, and centralization.

What is the relationship between an organization's structure and management with its environment?

Burns and Stalker researched the relationship between an organization's structure and management with its environment. They developed a continuum of organizational structure with an organic organization at one extreme and a mechanistic organization at the other end, with each demonstrating certain advantages in different types of environments. An organic organization does well in a dynamic environment where change needs to occur quickly, while a mechanistic organization functions best in stable and predictable environments.

What is the difference between organic and mechanistic organization?

An organic organization does well in a dynamic environment where change needs to occur quickly , while a mechanistic organization functions best in stable and predictable environments. You can break down a mechanistic organization into three general elements. First, its structure is highly complex.

What is Shawn's degree?

Shawn has a masters of public administration, JD, and a BA in political science. In this lesson, you will learn what a mechanistic organizational structure is, discover its key components, and be provided an example. You'll also have a chance to reinforce your knowledge with a short quiz. Create an account.

What is the definition of a high degree of centralization?

Finally, the organization has a high degree of centralization, which means a hierarchy of authority with a tight chain of command. Decisions are made from the top down and each lower level is answerable to and takes orders from the level above it.

What are the characteristics of a mechanistic organization?

Characteristics for mechanistic organizational structure are listed below: 1 Stable environment: This organizational structure works best when the environment is relatively stable. 2 Low differentiation of tasks: Tasks will not be differentiated much, because each subtask is relatively stable and easy to control. 3 Low integration of e.g. departments and functional areas: Due to the stability of tasks, there will be low integration between departments and functional areas, because tasks stay relatively stable, and because the functional areas are not heavily dependent on each other. 4 Centralized decision-making: When the environment is stable, there is no need for complex decision-making that involves people at lower levels. Therefore, decision-making is centralized at the top of the organization. 5 Standardization and formalization: When tasks are stable, tasks should be standardized and formalized, so that operations can run smoothly without breakdowns.

Why is mechanistic structure less effective?

Thus, the mechanistic structure is less effective for organizations that operate in challenging environments. Centralized decision making in mechanistic type organizations enable few higher management personnel to actively be involved in decision making.

Why should tasks be standardized and formalized?

Standardization and formalization: When tasks are stable, tasks should be standardized and formalized, so that operations can run smoothly without breakdowns. Mechanistic organizations prefer formalized structure due to two main reasons.

What is classical management theory?

Classical theories emphasis the need for bureaucracy within organizations resulting the lack of space towards creativity and innovativeness. Thus, Classical management theories encourage a mechanistic type of an organizational structure.

Does change require training?

On the other hand, change may require training needs and considerable time to adapt which intern has an impact on efficiency of processes.

Does a mechanistic structure support or adapt quickly to changes in the external environment?

Consequently, a mechanistic structure does not support or adapt quickly to changes in the external environment.

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