a collectivistic culture is one in which course hero

by Dulce Lakin 5 min read

What are the characteristics of collectivism?

Filipino as Collectivistic Culture.docx - As a Filipino we also consider the experience of colonization for differences and similarities with our Asian | Course Hero Filipino as Collectivistic Culture.docx - As a Filipino we... School Manila Central University Course Title MANAGEMENT 4A Uploaded By BailiffChimpanzeeMaster505 Pages 1

What is the difference between individualistic and collectivist culture?

Answer: A good answer would include the following key points: Cultures differ in the extent to which they emphasize the self versus the larger social whole Collectivistic cultures place a premium on interdependence, valuing responsibility to others and the importance of the larger social network. Individualistic cultures place a premium on independence, valuing the …

How are relationships formed in a collectivist culture?

The Cultural Context CHAPTER OBJECTIVES After reading this chapter, you should be able to 1. recognize that cultures are dynamic, fluid, and not static entities; 2. compare and contrast individualism and collectivism; 3. identify some cultures that are individualistic and some that are collectivistic; 4. recognize that no culture is purely individualistic or purely collectivistic; 5. …

Why is it difficult to make friends in collectivist culture?

Oct 23, 2021 · 1. Why are Filipinos known for being a collectivistic culture? Do you personally agree that you are a collectivist? If not, share a concrete personal experience of why you think that your orientation is on individualism not on collectivism. Filipinos are known for being collectivistic culture because they live in the tradition of TRIBE since the first people in the …

Which culture is collectivistic?

Collectivist cultures, such as those of China, Korea, and Japan, emphasize family and work group goals above individual needs or desires. Collectivism and individualism deeply pervade cultures.

What are people in a collectivist culture taught?

Collectivist culture focuses on what is best for the group rather than the individual. Collectivist orientations rely heavily on group identity and cohesion. The family and community gain strength through interdependence. Kinship, or family relationships, are vital in collectivist communities.Jan 13, 2022

What does a collectivistic culture value?

People who live in collectivist cultures value social harmony, respectfulness, and group needs over individual needs. Individuals who live in countries in Asia, Africa, and South America score high on collectivism (Hofstede, 2001; Triandis, 1995). These values influence personality.Sep 22, 2021

What is a collectivist culture philosophy?

In collectivist cultures, people are more likely to “see themselves as connected to others, define themselves in terms of relationships with others, and see their characteristics as more likely to change across different contexts.” A collectivist's sense of self is defined more by who they are with other people, or by ...Oct 30, 2019

Who is known as collectivist?

Collectivism refers to a society where social and individual ties are strong, with people being part of strong cohesive groups, while individualism entails looser ties between individuals, so independence is stressed.

What is a collective culture?

Collective cultures value groups or communities over individuals. Thus, they value generosity over selfishness, harmony over conflict, and meeting the needs of others over meeting the needs of one's self.Feb 23, 2022

Is India a collectivist culture?

Indian society is collectivistic and promotes social cohesion and interdependence. The traditional Indian joint family, which follows the same principles of collectivism, has proved itself to be an excellent resource for the care of the mentally ill.

Why is China a collectivist culture?

The Chinese feel obligated to help their close friends, as they are obligated to take care of their family and relatives. To summarize, the Chinese collectivist mindset creates a society that is supportive and protective of its members while sacrificing personal independence.

Who coined the term collectivism?

Individualism and collectivism was one of the five dimensions proposed by Dutch social psychologist Geert Hofstede in his landmark study Culture's Consequence (1980).Jan 28, 2013

What are the characteristics of a collectivist culture?

A few common traits of collectivist cultures include: 1 Individuals define themselves in relation to others (for example, “I am a member of…”). 2 Group loyalty is encouraged. 3 Decisions are based on what is best for the group. 4 Working as a group and supporting others is essential. 5 Greater emphasis is placed on common goals than on individual pursuits. 6 The rights of families and communities comes before those of the individual.

What is the difference between collectivist and individualistic cultures?

In collectivistic cultures, people are considered "good" if they are generous, helpful, dependable, and attentive to the needs of others. This contrasts with individualistic cultures, which often place a greater emphasis on characteristics such as assertiveness and independence.

Why is it so hard to build relationships with new people in a collectivist culture?

In a collectivist culture, it's difficult to build relationships with new people, partly because it's generally more difficult to meet them. Strangers are more likely to remain strangers in a collectivistic culture than they would be in individualistic cultures.

Why do people in collectivist cultures hesitate to seek social support?

Research shows some of the reasons why they hesitate to seek social support include concern about worrying others, disrupting the harmony of the group, losing face, and making the problem worse. 5

What is the difference between individualism and collectivism?

Collectivist cultures are usually contrasted with individualistic cultures. Collectivism stresses the importance of the community, while individualism is focused on the rights and concerns of each person. Where unity and selflessness are valued traits in collectivist cultures, independence and personal identity are promoted in individualistic ...

Which culture is more accepting of socially reticent and withdrawn behaviors?

Research shows that collectivistic cultures are more accepting of socially reticent and withdrawn behaviors. In one study, people in these cultures displayed higher levels of social anxiety in comparison to those from individualistic cultures. 4

How does culture affect people?

Culture influences how people behave, as well as their self-concept. 1 While those in individualistic cultures might describe themselves in terms of personality traits and characteristics (e.g., "I am smart, funny, athletic, and kind"), those from collectivist cultures, on the other hand, would more likely describe themselves in terms of their social relationships and roles (e.g., "I am a good son, brother, and friend").

What are collectivist and individualistic cultures concerned with?

Both collectivist and individualistic cultures are concerned with how individuals in a society prioritize and manage their relationships and goals.

What are some examples of collectivist culture?

For example, elements such as tone of voice, eye contact, facial expression, and position of body are more accurate indicators of how a person is feeling that what he is actually saying. In addition, members of a collectivist society value links ...

What is individualistic culture?

Individualistic culture focuses on human independence and freedom. Societies with individualist cultures disagree that tradition, the church, and other social agencies can dictate a person’s limitations. It opposes the principles of collectivist cultures which prioritize tradition and group goals.

What is the difference between individualist and collectivist cultures?

Collectivist cultures perceive individuals as interdependent (as observed in decision making habits) while individualist cultures see people as independent units. Unlike in individualist cultures, kinship and community are highly essential in collectivist cultures.

What is the difference between self-image and individualistic culture?

On the other hand, the self-image in individualistic cultures is in terms of “I” as the orientation is inwards.

What are the characteristics of an individualistic culture?

For instance, a member of this society may describe himself using personal characteristics such as “logical”, “competitive”, and “unique”. On the other hand, someone from a collectivist culture may use adjectives such as “dependable father”, ...

Do collectivists have to consult other members?

Generally, other members of the group in collectivist cultures should first be consulted when making major decisions. They tend to be more dependent and loyal to their more central ingroups. In comparison, the members in individualistic cultures are often more rational in making decisions (Le Febvre, Rebecca & Franke, 2013).
