6. which command should you use to show the current audit policies on a machine? course hero

by Lydia Halvorson 9 min read

For legacy audit policies (what your screenshot shows): secedit.exe /export /areas SECURITYPOLICY /cfg filename.txt For advanced audit policies: auditpol.exe /get /category:* What determines if legacy or advanced policy settings are in effect is the registry value: Key: HKLMSystemCurrentControlSetControlLsa Value: SCENoApplyLegacyAuditPolicy

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What is the auditpol/get command?

Which command should you use to show the current audit policies on a machine a from AA 1

How do I configure an audit policy for a specific user?

Sep 11, 2016 · I'm trying to find a command line way to get security settings from Local Security Policy. Specifically Security Settings > Local Policies > Audit Policy. A list of the policy and the current security setting. Ability to see if policy is editable or if set from another source would be a bonus, but not required.

Can I set audit policy at the category level?

Oct 17, 2011 · A special setting level affects the system directly when an audit event occurs. For example, the CrashOnAuditFail option causes the system to crash when the auditing system fails for some reason. This is a safety feature because it ensures that no one can turn off auditing and then continue to use the system unless they use the standard methods to do so and have the …

How do audit policy subcategories work in Windows Vista?

Which command should you use to show the current audit policies on a machine? 56. ... Expression-based audit policies. ... Which command should you use to get the current audit policy? Object auditing. What category is used to audit the registry? - logs quickly fill up - makes it difficult to find relevant events

How do I check my audit policy?

Go to Computer Configuration → Policies → Windows Settings → Security Settings → Advanced Audit Policy Configuration → Audit Policies. It lists all audit policies in the right pane. Go to 'Global Object Access Auditing' node under 'Audit Policies' of advanced configuration.

What is audit policy Configuration?

DS Access security audit policy settings provide a detailed audit trail of attempts to access and modify objects in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS). These audit events are logged only on domain controllers. This category includes the following subcategories: Audit Detailed Directory Service Replication.Sep 6, 2016

How do I change audit policies in Windows 10?

Under Computer Configuration, click Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Advanced Audit Policy Configuration > Audit Policy, then double-click on the relevant policy setting.

How do I enable audit policies?

In the Group Policy window, expand Computer Configuration, navigate to Windows Settings -→ Security Settings -→ Local Policies. Select Audit Policy. As an example, double-click Audit Directory Service Access policy andenabled or disabled successful or failed access attempts as needed. Click OK.

What is audit policy in Active Directory?

By default, Active Directory does not automatically audit certain security events. You must enable auditing of these events so that your domain controllers log them into the Security event log channel.Jun 11, 2019

What is Windows audit policy?

What is Windows Auditing? A Windows audit policy defines what type of events you want to keep track of in a Windows environment. For example, when a user account gets locked out or a user enters a bad password these events will generate a log entry when auditing is turned on.Jul 6, 2019

What is audit policy change Windows?

Audit Audit Policy Change determines whether the operating system generates audit events when changes are made to audit policy.Oct 28, 2021

What is audit policy in Windows Server 2012?

System security policy settings and audit events allow you to track system-level changes to a computer that are not included in other categories and that have potential security implications. This category includes the following subcategories: Audit IPsec Driver. Audit Other System Events.Sep 6, 2016

In this article

Displays information about and performs functions to manipulate audit policies, including:

auditpol list

Reference article for the auditpol list command, which lists audit policy categories and subcategories, or lists users for whom a per-user audit policy is defined.

auditpol set

Reference article for the auditpol set command, which sets the per-user audit policy, system audit policy, or auditing options.

auditpol get

Reference article for the auditpol get command, which retrieves the system policy, per-user policy, auditing options, and audit security descriptor object.


Reference article for the wecutil command, which lets you create and manage subscriptions to events that are forwarded from remote computers.

How to see all group policy settings?

The easiest way to see all the Group Policy settings you’ve applied to your PC or user account is by using the Resultant Set of Policy tool. It doesn’t show every last policy applied to your PC—for that you’ll need to use the Command Prompt, as we describe in the next section. However, it does show pretty much all the policies you will have set for regular use. And it provides a simple, graphical interface for browsing through the Group Policy settings currently in effect on your PC—whether those settings come from Group Policy or Local Group Policy.

What are the advantages of using command prompt?

If you’re comfortable using the Command Prompt, it does provide a couple of advantages over using the Resultant Set of Policy tool. First, it can show every last policy in effect on your PC. Second, it will show some additional security information—like what security groups a user is part of or what privileges they have.
