6. what does “total retention period” mean for electronic records? course hero

by Wiley Hagenes IV 5 min read

What does total retention period mean for electronic records?

total retention period. the length of time that the data should remain in the computer accessible form.

In what ways does metadata aid in managing records?

Metadata helps manage records by storing important details about the content i.e. Title, Subject, or Create Date. Records Management Metadata goes a step further and captures keywords relative to the business records such as Records Date, File Code and Retention Period.

What is electronic metadata?

In other words, metadata is data about data which can be created by systems or people. In electronic records management, metadata may describe who the title of a publication is, where a video was shot, and why a report has a security classification. If present, metadata is considered a part of the electronic record.Oct 18, 2018

What is record metadata?

Metadata sometimes referred to as data about data is descriptive text that can best represent data and information resources. Metadata writers collect and organize this content utilizing software tools to produce a metadata record in a text-based format. ...