6. ethics implies deciding on a course of action when clear decision rules are available

by Elton Koelpin IV 3 min read

What is ethical decision-making?

Ethics implies deciding on a course of action when clear decision rules are available. Organizations and social movements alike are using wikis to help people find others with the skills and talents to solve pressing problems.

What is the right answer to the ethical dilemma?

Under this framework, the right answer to the ethical dilemma will change based on who is analyzing the ethical problem. Moral relativism makes the ethical decision making simple, in that the local perspective should guide the reasoning. If a manager is making a decision that is based in China, the Chinese standards of ethics should apply.

What is plus ethical decision-making model?

PLUS Ethical Decision-Making Model is one of the most used and widely cited ethical models. To create a clear and cohesive approach to implementing a solution to an ethical problem; the model is set in a way that it gives the leader “ ethical filters ” to make decisions.

Why is it important to know the principles and ethical approaches?

It is helpful to ask and if not clear, perhaps identify the principles, you most often use now and those you aspire to use more, and why. Using one or more of these principles and ethical approaches intentionally can also help you examine choices and options before making a decision or solving an ethical dilemma.

What is the purpose of the chapter on ethical decision making?

The purpose of this chapter is to: 1) Outline the decision making process. 2) Explain the nature of ethical decision making. 3) Provide ethical frameworks used in making decision making.

What is the first challenge in decision making?

Identify the Problem. The first challenge in decision making is working to understand what the problem is . Ineffective managers focus on the symptoms without identifying the underlying issues. A child with a runny nose does not have a runny nose problem, she has an infectious disease causing a running nose.

Why do we need ethical frameworks?

Ethical Frameworks. Because the law is insufficient, and the nature of ethical dilemmas is one of navigating ambiguity, we need to establish frameworks that will help us make decisions. The following ethical frameworks are intended to do that. Moral relativism offers a local solution to making ethical decisions.

Why is the law insufficient?

The short answer is that the law is an insufficient means to regulate our ethical decision making. There are two primary reasons for this. First, the law gives us bare minimums in terms of safety, human dignity, and respect of rights. However, most ethical dilemmas are navigated well above these elements.

Why do we jump right into the middle of the gray area?

We naturally jump right into the middle of the gray area because we know the extremes and the fringes of the gray area are not worth pursuing. It is in the gray area that we must navigate, using ethical decision making to figure out the best solution. We can achieve good decision making using ethical frameworks.

What is problem identification?

The problem identification is simply a matter of understanding that personal preferences and personal obligations will conflict as he tries to schedule shifts. This problem does not require the manager to generate a wide list of alternatives. It might include negotiation, allowing workers to swap shifts, or simply making a schedule and forcing employees to deal with it. However, there are bigger problems that require a manager to generate a long and comprehensive list of alternatives. When problems have intense consequences, or the context is an unknown one to the organization, a wide list of alternatives is necessary. The future is unknown, and the problem is unlike one you’ve ever seen. This is the time to brainstorm, get creative, and generate alternatives.

Why is the law not a good standard?

We put in place laws that allowed for the forced sterilization of 60,000 Americans that the government determined were unworthy of reproduction.

What are the general standards used by the CEOs in creating a decision about how they should deal with downsizing

honesty . justice . These were the general standards used by the CEOs in creating a decision about how they should deal with downsizing. While this is not a standard model, it does reveal the underlying ideas business leaders use to make ethical choices.

Why is it important to see the good and bad side of a decision?

It might also be helpful to take a look at the mistakes the leader’s company and other organizations have made and learn from them. Everyone does not always get it right 100 percent of the time. Therefore, it is essential to see the good and bad side to become even more informed about a decision that should be made.

What is the ethical standard for a leader?

This ethical standard puts a lot of emphasis on relationships, and how compassion for the fellow man should drive people to do good by others. Virtue. A virtue approach requires leaders to base ethical standards on universal virtues such as honesty, courage, compassion, tolerance, and many others.

What is the purpose of the ethical filter?

It purposely leaves out anything related to making a profit so that leaders can focus on values instead of a potential impact on revenue.

Why is it important to have ethical standards?

Leaders have to develop ethical standards that employees in their company will be required to adhere to. This can help move the conversation toward using a model to decide when someone is in violation of ethics. There are five sources of ethical standards: Utilitarian.

What is the purpose of the rights approach?

The intent is for people to be treated fairly and with dignity and not as a means to an end. Fairness.

Who created the character-based decision-making model?

The Character-Based Decision-Making Model was created by the Josephson Institute of Ethics, and it has three main components leaders can use to make an ethical decision.

Why is it important to ask and if not clear, perhaps identify the principles, you most often use now and those

Using one or more of these principles and ethical approaches intentionally can also help you examine choices and options before making a decision or solving an ethical dilemma .

What are the ethical principles?

They are utilitarianism; universalism, which is a duty-based approach; a rights approach, which takes a moral and legal approach; justice; virtue; common good; and finally the ethical relativism approach.

What is universalism duty based?

Universalism: A Duty-Based Approach. Universalism is a principle that considers the welfare and risks of all parties when considering policy decisions and outcomes. Also needs of individuals involved in a decision are identified as well as the choices they have and the information they need to protect their welfare.

How are ethical principles different from values?

Ethical principles are different from values in that the former are considered as rules that are more permanent, universal, and unchanging, whereas values are subjective, even personal, and can change with time. Principles help inform and influence values.

What are the limitations of the principle of entitlement?

Some limitations when using this principle are (1) it can be used to disguise and manipulate selfish and unjust political interests, (2) it is difficult to determine who deserves what when both parties are “right,” and (3) individuals can exaggerate certain entitlements at the expense of others.

What are the 7 habits of highly effective people?

The 7 habits of highly effective people: Restoring the character ethic. New York: Free Press. The principles that we will cover are utilitarianism, universalism, rights/legal, justice, virtue, common good, and ethical relativism approaches. As you read these, ask yourself which principles characterize and underlie your own values, beliefs, ...

What are legal rights?

Legal rights are entitlements that are limited to a particular legal system and jurisdiction. In the United States, the Constitution and Declaration of Independence are the basis for citizens’ legal rights, for example, the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and the right to freedom of speech.

What is the final step in the ethical decision making process?

False. The final step in the ethical decision-making process is: Monitor outcomes. The following are all included in Proctor and Gamble's Code of Ethics EXCEPT:

What are the principles of management?

The principles of management are drawn from a number of academic fields, principally, the fields of: leadership, management and strategy. Environmental scan ning is the act of analyzing the critical external contingencies and trends facing an organization in terms of: economic conditions, competitors, and customers.

Why is it important to ask and if not clear, perhaps identify the principles, you most often use now and those

Using one or more of these principles and ethical approaches intentionally can also help you examine choices and options before making a decision or solving an ethical dilemma .

How are ethical principles different from values?

Ethical principles are different from values in that the former are considered as rules that are more permanent, universal, and unchanging, whereas values are subjective, even personal, and can change with time. Principles help inform and influence values. Some of the principles presented here date back to Plato, Socrates, ...

What is utilitarianism principle?

The utilitarianism principle basically holds that an action is morally right if it produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people. An action is morally right if the net benefits over costs are greatest for all affected compared with the net benefits of all other possible choices. This, as with all these principles ...

What is universalism duty based?

Universalism: A Duty-Based Approach. Universalism is a principle that considers the welfare and risks of all parties when considering policy decisions and outcomes. Also needs of individuals involved in a decision are identified as well as the choices they have and the information they need to protect their welfare.

What are the limitations of the principle of entitlement?

Some limitations when using this principle are (1) it can be used to disguise and manipulate selfish and unjust political interests, (2) it is difficult to determine who deserves what when both parties are “right,” and (3) individuals can exaggerate certain entitlements at the expense of others.

What is ethical relativism?

Ethical Relativism: A Self-Interest Approach. Ethical relativism is really not a “principle” to be followed or modeled. It is an orientation that many use quite frequently. Ethical relativism holds that people set their own moral standards for judging their actions.

What are the principles of justice?

This principle has at least four major components that are based on the tenets that (1) all individuals should be treated equally; (2) justice is served when all persons have equal opportunities and advantages (through their positions and offices) to society’s opportunities and burdens; (3) fair decision practices, procedures, and agreements among parties should be practiced; and (4) punishment is served to someone who has inflicted harm on another , and compensation is given to those for a past harm or injustice committed against them.


The Importance of Ethical Standards

Leaders have to develop ethical standards that employees in their company will be required to adhere to. This can help move the conversation toward using a model to decide when someone is in violation of ethics. There are five sources of ethical standards: 1. This one is all about balance, and this approach tries to produce th…
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An Empirical Approach to An Ethical Decision-Making Model

  • In 2011, a researcher at the University of Calgary in Calgary, Canada completed a study for the Journal of Business Ethics. The research centered around an idea of rational egoism as a basis for developing ethics in the workplace. She had 16 CEOs formulate principles for ethics through the combination of reasoning and intuition while forming and applying moral principles to an eve…
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The Ethical Decision-Making Process

  • Before a model can be utilized, leaders need to work through a set of steps to be sure they are bringing a comprehensive lens to handling ethical disputes or problems. 1. Some initial analysis has to happen for leaders to truly understand where they need to bring in ethical principles. Leaders need to decide why an ethical decision needs to be made...
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Plus Ethical Decision-Making Model

  • PLUS Ethical Decision-Making Modelis one of the most used and widely cited ethical models. To create a clear and cohesive approach to implementing a solution to an ethical problem; the model is set in a way that it gives the leader “ethical filters” to make decisions. It purposely leaves out anything related to making a profit so that leaders can focus on values instead of a potential im…
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The Character-Based Decision-Making Model

  • While this one is not as widely cited as the PLUS Model, it is still worth mentioning. The Character-Based Decision-Making Model was createdby the Josephson Institute of Ethics, and it has three main components leaders can use to make an ethical decision. 1. All decisions must take into account the impact to all stakeholders– This is very similar to the Utilitarian approach discusse…
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