4) what is meant by the term "standards" in the context of distribution costs? course hero

by Geovanny Veum 4 min read

What percentage of total assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditures are governmental funds?

Total assets, liabilities, revenues, or expenditures/expenses of the individual governmental or enterprise fund are at least 10 percent of the corresponding total (assets, liabilities, and so forth) for all funds of that category (governmental funds) or type (enterprise funds).

What is a school district?

School districts are the most common special governmental units. In some states, school districts operate as a fiscally dependent part of another local governmental entity such as a city or county; in other states, school districts are legislatively independent with authority to levy taxes and set budgets.

What is the most important type of communication?

Among the most important types of communication is the annual financial report, which presents the financial position, operating results, and cash flows for a particular accounting period.

When was the hierarchy established?

The hierarchy was established in Statement of Auditing Standards (SAS) 69, The Meaning of Presents Fairly in Conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles in the Independent Auditor's Report, effective March 15, 1992, and issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA).

What is proprietary fund?

All assets, liabilities, net assets, revenues, expenses, and transfers relating to the government's business and quasi-business activities-in which changes in net assets or cost recovery are measured-are accounted for through proprietary funds (enterprise and internal service funds).

What is segregation of duties?

Segregation of duties. The application of controls , such as the segregation of duties, is affected to some degree by the size of the organization. In small entities, procedures will be less formal than in large entities. Additionally, certain types of control activities may not be relevant in small entities.

What are the challenges that school districts face?

These issues often result in internal control and operational challenges that district management must address.

What is a job description?

Explanation: Job descriptions list the specific duties, skills, and training related to a particular job. Organization charts show the distribution of work within a company but not specific duties. A job description is created after a job analysis has been performed.

What is job specification?

Job specifications are generated by a job analysis, but they typically focus on the type of person that is most suitable for a specific job. Work activities, performance standards, and job context are the types of information that are provided through a job analysis, but they do not necessarily uncover unassigned tasks.

What is the first step in a job application?

Step 1 involves deciding how the information will be used, and step 2 involves reviewing relevant background information. Step 3 requires selecting representative positions, and step 4 calls for analyzing the job.

Why is it important to interview employees?

Explanation: Interviewing employees to determine what the job entails is an effective method of collecting data for writing a job description. Observing employees is typically only effective if a job involves physical tasks, and software engineering involves more thought and discussion than physical activity.
