4. how would a stronger electric field affect the field lines and flux+course hero

by Prof. Jean Tillman IV 4 min read

When the field is stronger, the field lines are closer to each other. The number of field lines depends on the magnitude of the electric charge. The field lines should never cross each other.

Full Answer

What is the flux of the electric field through the surface?

We define the flux, Φ E, of the electric field, E →, through the surface represented by vector, A →, as: since this will have the same properties that we described above (e.g. no flux when E → and A → are perpendicular, flux proportional to number of field lines crossing the surface).

What are the properties of electric field lines?

Properties of Electric Field Lines 1 The field lines never intersect each other. 2 The field lines are perpendicular to the surface of the charge. 3 The magnitude of charge and the number of field lines, both are proportional to each other. 4 The start point of the field lines is at the positive charge and end at the negative charge. More items...

How can you tell if an electric field is stronger at point a?

In other words, if you see more electric field lines in the vicinity of point A as compared to point B, then the electric field is stronger at point A. The field lines never intersect each other.

How do you know if the flux through a surface is maximal?

If the surface is perpendicular to the field (left panel), and the field vector is thus parallel to the vector, A →, then the flux through that surface is maximal. If the surface is parallel to the field (right panel), then no field lines cross that surface, and the flux through that surface is zero.

How would a stronger electric field affect the field lines and flux?

The larger the area, the more field lines go through it and, hence, the greater the flux; similarly, the stronger the electric field is (represented by a greater density of lines), the greater the flux.

Does electric field affect electric flux?

While the electric flux is not affected by charges that are not within the closed surface, the net electric field, E, in the Gauss' Law equation, can be affected by charges that lie outside the closed surface.

How do the field lines show the field is stronger near the electrodes?

Thus, where the field lines are spaced closer together, the field is stronger. Where they are spaced further apart, the field is weaker. The prototypical example of this idea is demonstrated for a positive point charge Q with N field lines leaving radially outward and uniformly distributed in all directions.

What is the relationship of charge and field lines in the electric flux?

Electric field lines are considered to originate on positive electric charges and to terminate on negative charges. Field lines directed into a closed surface are considered negative; those directed out of a closed surface are positive.

How is electric flux related to electric field intensity?

Electric Flux ϕ The number of electric lines of force passing through an area held perpendicularly is called electric flux. Larger the value of electric flux greater will be the electric field intensity. Electric field intensity can be defined as the electric flux passing through unit area held perpendicularly.

Is electric field stronger when closer?

Where the field lines are close together, the electric field is stronger than where they are farther apart.

Where are electric field lines strongest?

Where the field lines are close together the field is strongest; where the field lines are far apart the field is weakest. If the lines are uniformly-spaced and parallel, the field is uniform.

How do electric field lines indicate the strength of the field?

Field lines are drawn closer together where the field is stronger. Field lines do not touch or cross each other. Field lines are drawn perpendicular to a charge or charged surface. The greater the magnitude of the charge, the stronger its electric field.

Which point is the electric field stronger?

In other words, if you see more electric field lines in the vicinity of point A as compared to point B, then the electric field is stronger at point A.

What is Electric Field Line?

Electric field lines are an excellent way of visualizing electric fields. They were first introduced by Michael Faraday himself.

What does the relative density of field lines around a point correspond to?

Secondly, the relative density of field lines around a point corresponds to the relative strength (magnitude) of the electric field at that point. In other words, if you see more electric field lines in the vicinity ...

What are field lines perpendicular to?

The field lines are perpendicular to the surface of the charge.

How many charges are needed to start and end a field line?

For the field lines to either start or end at infinity, a single charge must be used.

Where does the field line begin?

The field line begins at the charge and ends either at the charge or at infinity.

Can electric field lines intersect?

Thus, electric field lines can never intersect one another. As said before field lines are a great way to visualize electric fields. You can almost feel the attraction between unlike charges and the repulsion between like charges as though they are trying to push each other away.

Which direction does the electric field point?

Indeed, for a point charge, the electric field points in the radial direction (inwards for a negative charge) and is thus perpendicular to the spherical surface at all points. Since the surface is closed, the vector, d A →, points outwards anywhere on the surface.

How to find the flux of a surface?

In order to calculate the flux through the total surface, we first calculate the flux through an infinitesimal surface, d S, over which we assume that E → is constant in magnitude and direction, and then, we sum (integrate) the fluxes from all of the infinitesimal surfaces together. Remember, the flux through a surface is related to the number of field lines that cross that surface; it thus makes sense to count the lines crossing an infinitesimal surface, d S, and then adding those together over all the infinitesimal surfaces to determine the flux through the total surface, S.

How to find the electric field vector?

The magnitude of the electric field depends linearly on the x position in space, so that the electric field vector is given by: E → = ( a − b x) z ^, where, a, and, b, are constants. What is the flux of the electric field through a square of side, L, that is located in the positive x y plane with one of its corners at the origin? We need to calculate the flux of the electric field through a square of side L in the x y plane. The electric field is always in the z direction, so the angle between E → and d A → (the normal vector for any infinitesimal area element) will remain constant.

Where is negative electric charge located?

A negative electric charge, , is located at the origin of a coordinate system. Calculate the flux of the electric field through a spherical surface of radius, , that is centerd at the origin.

Why do we need to subdivide a surface?

The surface on the left must be subdivided because the electric field changes magnitude over the surface , whereas the one on the right needs to be subdivided because the angle between E → and d A → is not constant (and the magnitude of E → also changes along the surface).