3. identify the mistake that the teacher made when composing her e-mail massage. course hero

by Reed Armstrong 6 min read

Why do I copyedit emails to professors?

When I mentioned previously that I've copyedited many emails to professors, it's because students understand that an email sent with excessive grammar or spelling errors will not be taken seriously. This is why if English is not your original language—or even if it is and you're not the best at communicating or spelling things correctly—get an editor.

Is it rude to use all caps?

Additionally, using all caps is considered to be rude. It is the same as yelling at someone, except you're doing it in writing instead of in speech. While many people assume that all caps is a way to highlight words or a point, this is a false assumption. If you want to highlight a word or a point, use bold font or italic font. You can also use an exclamation point, although be careful of this, as excessive exclamation point usage is considered to be poor grammar (and poor taste). Whatever you do, avoid using all caps at all costs.

Is a professor busy?

As mentioned previously, professors are busy—sometimes extremely busy. This means that if you are emailing to ask a question with an answer that could be found elsewhere, you're wasting your professor's time. And we've already established that extra time is not a commodity most professors have.

Can you email your professor about your life?

If you have a unique life situation that compels you to miss multiple classes, fail tests, or miss assignments, an email is not the proper method to use to discuss this with your professor. Rather, you should request time to meet with him or her and discuss your personal situation in person—whether after class or during conference hours (which all professors will have posted and usually include on their syllabus).

Can professors use emails?

However, since you'll need to provide specific details, and since emails should never be overly wordy, don't use emails to communicate your need.

Is it disrespectful to speak to a teacher?

In many cultures, speaking informally to a teacher is considered highly disrespectful. Some even insist that a student should not look a teacher directly in the eye or address him or her in a demanding tone. While Americans aren't as formal as many other cultures, it is still a sign of disrespect to address your professor by his or her first name (unless you're asked to do so) or make demands as if you were a peer. Your professor has a degree that you do not have (yet) and is imparting his or her wisdom to you so that you might earn your degree. For this simple reason, being informal is a sign of disrespect, and should never happen—in an email or otherwise.

Do professors have to grade papers?

Professors are busy people. In between a certain number of classes that they're required to teach, they must grade papers (sometimes hundreds per assignment), prepare lesson plans, and conduct research/write papers that are required by the university in order to keep their post.

What happens if the answer is correct in eMailing?

Other students and the teacher can agree or disagree with the answer. If the answer is correct, he gets one point and the game continues with other texts. If the answer is wrong, others can raise their hands. eMailing Functions Correction. Students work in pairs to find errors from a set of phrases they are given.

What are some examples of email correct?

An example of such words is the use of ‘sorry, regret, apologize’. The entire text can contain such options in different sentences and students can choose and learn the right words in the context.

Why is it important to have formal emails?

In addition to this, it is quite important to construct such formal emails without any grammar or sentence formation mistakes.

What is grammar correction?

Grammar and sentence correction is an important part of the ESL exam. You can be asked to spot the errors in sentences and rewrite correcting the mistakes. One such possible question is correcting the emails. This type of questions is aimed at testing your grammar and sentence formation skills. You can easily prepare for such questions with some simple exercises.

Can email spelling errors be corrected?

The email text can contain spelling and grammar mistakes that the students should spot and correct. Another effective way to practice email correction is giving a text from emails with words which can be often confused for one another.