2. what is one main purpose of studying other cultures, in a critical cultural studies course?

by Halle Robel 9 min read

The importance of cultural diversity can be interpreted on the basis of these related actions: Recognizing that there is a large amount of cultures that exist Respecting each other’s differences

Full Answer

What is the objective of cultural studies?

The importance of cultural diversity can be interpreted on the basis of these related actions: Recognizing that there is a large amount of cultures that exist. Respecting each other’s differences. Acknowledging that all cultural expressions are valid. Valuing what cultures have to bring to the table.

What makes cultural studies such a diverse field?

May 11, 2020 · Of course, the nation-state plays an important role, but when studying culture in a globalizing and changing world, it cannot be the assumed primary unit of analysis (see Anheier 2007, 336). The upshot is that the social sciences have to overcome the twentieth-century legacy of methodological nationalism if we want to get a fuller understanding ...

What is the importance of studying the text in cultural studies?

Culture Matters is a cross-cultural training workbook developed by the Peace Corps to help new volunteers acquire the knowledge and skills to work successfully and respectfully in other cultures. HealthEquityGuide.org is a website with a set of strategic practices that health departments can apply to more meaningfully and comprehensively ...

What is cultural studies in the context of literature?

The MA in Cultural Studies is the first graduate program in the Pacific Northwest, and one of very few programs nationally, to partner the interdisciplinary study of art and culture with a community-based learning network. Learn about admissions and events for the public.

What is the purpose of cultural studies?

The objective of cultural studies is to understand culture in all its complex forms, and analyzing the social and political context in which culture manifests itself.

What are critical cultural studies?

Critical Research on Identity and Representation: Critical /cultural studies is concerned with how different cultural identities are represented in media and popular culture, especially the identities of those who have been marginalized and oppressed on the basis of class, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, or ...

How does cultural studies and popular culture become a critical space?

Frequently, popular culture works to support oppressive power structures, but popular culture can also be produced by the people or the masses and therefore provides a space for potential political resistance. ... This is because CCS advocates for taking the cultural and political influence of popular media seriously.

What are the main concerns of cultural studies?

Among its central concerns are the place of race or ethnicity, class, and gender in the production of cultural knowledge.

What does culture mean in cultural studies?

Culture refers to the cumulative deposit of knowledge, experience, beliefs, values, attitudes, meanings, hierarchies, religion, notions of time, roles, spatial relations, concepts of the universe, and material objects and possessions acquired by a group of people in the course of generations through individual and ...

What is the study of cultures?

Cultural Anthropology is the study of human cultures, their beliefs, practices, values, ideas, technologies, economies and other domains of social and cognitive organization.

What is cultural studies in literary theory?

Literary and Cultural Studies gives you access to historical and emergent traditions of literature, culture and thought. Through critical interpretation and dialogue, we can see how language mediated through texts arranges and allows different ways of knowing and living.

What is popular culture and pop culture studies?

Popular culture (also called mass culture or pop culture) is generally recognized by members of a society as a set of the practices, beliefs, and objects that are dominant or prevalent in a society at a given point in time.

How cultural studies is interdisciplinary?

Cultural Studies is an interdisciplinary field of study in which culture is understood not just as textual or artistic products like books, music or films, but in the broader sense of dynamic and complexly patterned ways of life.

Why Is Culture Important?

Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views, their values, their humor, their hopes, their loyalties, and their worries a...

Why Is Understanding Culture Important If We Are Community Builders?

The world is becoming increasingly diverse and includes people of many religions, languages, economic groups, and other cultural groups.It is becom...

What Kind of Cultural Community Do You Envision?

People have very different views of what a multicultural society or community should be like or could be like. In the past few decades there has be...

Helpful Tips to Start Building A Diverse Community

In the book, Healing into Action, authors Cherie Brown and George Mazza list principles that, when put into practice, help create a favorable envir...

Why is it important to have students from different cultures?

When students participate with people from varied cultures, it provides them with more confidence in dealing with things outside of their comfort zones. It can build strength of character, pride, and confidence.

Why is cultural diversity important?

Cultural diversity is important in every setting in life, but it can be even more pivotal when it happens within education. Students around the world have the right to equal access of quality education, and as such, there are many upsides that come along with it when institutions believe in the power of diversity.

What is culture in the world?

Culture is a broad term that encompasses beliefs, values, norms, behaviors, and overall can be understood as our “way of being.”. When you go out into the world, you will come into contact with people from different backgrounds and walks of life. It’s a good rule of thumb to honor cultural diversity with your actions.

How to deal with culturally insensitive people?

Accept that differences are beneficial and not harmful. Don’t force your beliefs on people with opposing views. Advocate to hire people or work with people who are not within your same culture.

What is cultural diversity?

Cultural diversity is synonymous with multiculturalism. Multiculturalism is defined by the Encyclopedia Britannica as, “the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgment of their differences within a dominant political culture.”

Why is it important to be culturally diverse?

If a workplace has done the necessary work, it’s bound to be culturally diverse. Attending a culturally diverse institute of education will prepare students for their future in a workplace.

What is deep learning?

1. Deep Learning. Learning happens within the curriculum and outside of it. With a diverse student population, students have the privilege of gaining more understanding about people and backgrounds from all over.

Why is social studies important?

The main goal of teaching social studies is to teach students to become good citizens. We are living in a diverse society — one that requires knowledge of social studies to succeed. With a social studies background, children become adults that can participate civilly in our democratic society.

What is social studies in the 21st century?

Social Studies In The 21st Century. Social studies connect students with the real world. In today’s interconnected world, students must be prepared to interact with people of all cultures and communities , and social studies prepares them for this.

What is social studies?

Social studies can also be referred to as social sciences. It’ s a field which deals with human behavior, relationships, resources, and institutions. Specific topics within social studies that are studied in school coursework include geography, anthropology, economics, history, sociology, political science, and civics.

How does social studies help students?

Students learn skills through social studies that help them succeed in further education as well as life. Here are all the amazing ways learning social studies benefits kids and society together: 1. Better Reading And Learning. Social studies is one area in education where content integration is key.

Why do we study social science?

Studying social sciences gives students an understanding of the real world around them. Students learn about places, cultures, and events around the world, what conspired to make them the way they are, and can make inferences about how the rest of the world works.

How can teachers challenge students in social studies?

Teachers can challenge children in social studies classes in ways they aren’t or can’t be challenged in other classes . In-depth critical analysis should be implemented — getting students to think and reflect will help them engage and challenge them to care about what’s going on around them.

What is critical thinking?

Critical Thinking. Critical thinking is a part of social studies — students are taught to evaluate others’ decisions and make connections between influences and circumstances. Young people get the opportunity to learn from others’ mistakes through social sciences. 6.

What is the purpose of cultural policy?

Traditionally, the main purpose of cultural policy was to support the arts and appreciation thereof, as well as heritage.

What is the relationship between the cultural and economic system?

(2008) propose four models for the relationship between the wider and the cultural economy, defined as a system for the production, distribution, and consumption of cultural goods and services through market as well as nonmarket mechanisms , or, in the words of Scott (2008), as all forms of economic activity that produce outputs with significant aesthetic or semiotic content or symbolic outputs.

What is the purpose of the article Global Perspectives?

It does not attempt to be comprehensive—a task that would be daunting given the diverse and rich literatures that quickly come into focus. Rather, the purpose is to highlight a limited number of issues central to moving an international, comparative, and interdisciplinary agenda forward, in the hope that Global Perspectives will become a recognized and central address for current and future research in this field.

What is cultural artifact?

Broadly, culture is a system of meaning, its social construction, articulation, and reception, including religion, ideologies, value systems, and collective identity. More narrowly, it refers to the arts—that is, what artists create and what is regarded, preserved, exchanged, and consumed as cultural artifacts.

What is the meaning of values?

For individuals, values act as an internal moral compass and are “evaluative beliefs that synthesize affective and cognitive elements to orient people to the world in which they live ” (Marini 2000, 2828; see also Hitlin and Piliavin 2004, 360). Values typically form a value system as a relatively consistent orienting framework. Ideologies are relatively constant sets of beliefs that explain the world, usually in terms of cause-and-effect relationships.

What is globalization?

Globalization is both a process and an outcome that involves economic supply and distribution chains, financial flows and investments, international law and institutions, and communication and mobility. Castells (1996, 1997) uses the apt imagery of “decentralized concentration” to describe this phenomenon.

How did globalization evolve?

The “new” globalization had a first phase, fueled by financial deregulation, transnational supply chains, and information technologies, and lasted until the global financial crisis of 2008–9. It was in this phase that countries outside the northern industrial sphere—namely, China and other Asian countries—joined the globalized core. The second phase, still emerging, is based on digitization and is likely to expand the extensity and intensity of global networks further.

What is culture?

As community builders, understanding culture is our business. No matter where you live, you are working with and establishing relationships with people--people who all have cultures.

Why is culture important?

Culture is a strong part of people's lives. It influences their views, their values, their humor, their hopes, their loyalties, and their worries and fears. So when you are working with people and building relationships with them, it helps to have some perspective and understanding of their cultures.

Why is understanding culture important if we are community builders?

The world is becoming increasingly diverse and includes people of many religions, languages, economic groups, and other cultural groups.

What kind of cultural community do you envision?

People have very different views of what a multicultural society or community should be like or could be like. In the past few decades there has been a lot of discussion about what it means to live and work together in a society that is diverse as ours. People struggle with different visions of a fair, equitable, moral, and harmonious society.

Helpful tips to start building a diverse community

In the book, Healing into Action, authors Cherie Brown and George Mazza list principles that, when put into practice, help create a favorable environment for building diverse communities. The following guidelines are taken from their principles:

In Summary

We've talked about what diversity is, why it is important, how to begin envisioning your ideal diverse community, and how to set up an environment that fosters diversity. This is only the beginning.
