Life is rough. Even if a family accepts a transgender child, the world oftentimes does not. So many trans children end up comiting suicide or experience rape, sexual haarassment or bullying.
Full Answer
For some, understanding their gender identity---whether transgender or non-binary, is a more complex process that lasts into their teens or adulthood. Stigma, lack of knowledge and fear of rejection by family and peers often keep transgender people from coming out as children or teens.
Assure your child that they have your unconditional love and support. The Human Rights Campaign’s Transgender Children and Youth page includes resources for families, community members, school officials and more. Our Parents for Transgender Equality Counci l members share their stories and provide educational resources for parent.
Sure, most children and teens go through “phases” – like only wearing all black, dying their hair, being obsessed with a certain band or asking to go by a nickname – but being transgender is not a phase, and trying to dismiss it as such can be harmful during a time when your child most needs support and validation.
This is certainly true of transgender and gender-expansive children and teens, for whom family support is absolutely critical. In fact, an increasing body of social science research reflects that gender-affirming behavior on the part of parents and other adults (teachers, grandparents, etc.) greatly improves mental health and well-being.