12. who is responsible for your success or failure in this course?

by Marlee Spencer 10 min read

Likewise, no person, other than our self, is responsible for our successes or failures. How many times have we heard (either from another or from ourselves) such things as, “Well, I’d have gone to college if my parents had encouraged me to do so”, or “If my ex hadn’t held me back, I’d have made my fortune by now!”

Full Answer

Who is responsible for student success or failure?

Who is responsible for student failure? Academic Success or having a high test score is the total of all positive influences on a child. This shows that the parents and teachers have a responsibility for ensuring that a child succeeds academically. Content provision: relevant and diverse!

Why do we have to take responsibility for our failures?

Especially when we realize the system has had a strong influence on our failure, we need to assume responsibility for helping to fix whatever it was about the system that is not working the way it should be.

Why do we need to learn from failure?

Failure is an especially valuable opportunity to learn. We need to grow to appreciate that fact as a followers; otherwise, when we become leaders we will tend to punish people for their failures instead of encouraging them to learn from them. That’s just stupid and an abdication of real leadership.

Who is responsible for ensuring that a child succeed academically?

This shows that the parents and teachers have a responsibility for ensuring that a child succeeds academically. Content provision: relevant and diverse! Monitoring of student readiness and interest! To ensure they provide necessary materials like textbooks, notebooks, etc.

Who is responsible for the failure of student?

So, who is responsible for failing students and failing schools? EVERYONE! The students need to come to school, behave, pay attention, and do their work. Parents need to encourage their children, help them with homework, and be involved in their child's education and in the schools.

Who is responsible for the success of students?

In general, our findings indicate that teachers and parents focused most on the importance of the student-teacher relationships and ability for success, whereas the year 9 and 10 students primarily placed the onus on themselves, their own effort, then on their teachers and lastly their parents.

Who is the key to the success or failure in teaching and learning?

The role of the teacher is to help expose the misconception or learning failure, and then build mental “bridges,” such as analogies to other more familiar concepts, that allow students to understand a failure in understanding and then build a newer, more accurate understanding of the content.

Are students responsible for their own success?

The research shows that students who are encouraged to take ownership for their own learning are better able to identify and work toward learning goals; are more likely to believe that it is within their control to succeed in school; and demonstrate life skills such as initiative, self-direction and productivity.

Who is responsible for student learning?

Students are responsible for their own learning. Parents are responsible for their children's learning. But ultimately, all learning begins with the teacher.

Who is responsible for student failure parent or teacher?

Academic Success or having a high test score is the total of all positive influences on a child. This shows that the parents and teachers have a responsibility for ensuring that a child succeeds academically.

What is the teacher role in student success?

Helping students understand that taking notes and studying course material is the way to achieve academic success. Teachers can also help students develop successful test-taking strategies, an area where bright students of all cultural backgrounds can have difficulty—to the detriment of their grades and self-esteem.

What makes education successful?

Additional factors that influence effective schools include time to learn, teacher quality, and school and parental trust. Research supports the commonsensical view that the more time a student spends learning, and the more efficiently that time is used, the higher their achievement.

How can teachers help students succeed?

Set High Expectations Cultivate an academic environment in your classroom by setting high, but not impossible, expectations for your students. Push students to achieve higher standards and they will eventually get there—and along the way, offer lots of praise.

What is your responsibility as a student?

attending classes on time and regularly. being prepared for classes with all necessary supplies. taking good care of school property. completing all homework assignments.

Why are you responsible for your own success?

By empowering yourself, you take the actions—and the risks—to achieve a result and get what you want. Rather than waiting for someone to declare you empowered or give you that one lucky break, you step outside your comfort zone, make things happen, and answer for the outcomes.

What responsibilities do students have?

Here's a list of ten additional duties students should perform in the classroom environment:Obey the teachers.Maintain discipline in the class.Keep the school neat and tidy.Be helpful by clearing their materials after a class.Abide by the rules of the school.Participate in the activities organized in the school.More items...•

What happens when one party fails to perform his or her role?

When one party fails to perform his or her role, it will make another effort by the remaining stakeholders to be in futility.

What is academic success?

Academic Success or having a high test score is the total of all positive influences on a child. This shows that the parents and teachers have a responsibility for ensuring that a child succeeds academically.

Why is it unfair to blame teachers for low test scores?

You can see from the above highlights that blaming teachers for low test score is unfair because the parents, teachers, and students are the three stakeholders who are responsible for student failure or success. When one party fails to perform his or her role, it will make another effort by the remaining stakeholders to be in futility.

What are the signs of a dysfunctional society?

0. One of the signs of a dysfunctional society is the inability to take responsibilities and pass the bulk of the blames to other people. The debate on who should be responsible for a student failure wouldn’t have come to play if both the teachers and parents understand their roles.

Does passing the bulk of the blame solve the issue?

Passing the bulk of the blame won’t solve the issue , but a collective effort by the parents and the teachers will help the student to succeed. I have discovered that every student that is doing well in his/her studies is a product of a good parent and teacher relationship which culminate into his or her success.

What does "selling out for success" mean?

He states that, "In college athletics the coach is responsible for his players" performance in the classroom and for their behavior off the field." ... This kind of success should be recognized and rewarded every bit as much as victories and touchdowns. ... Add to that, head coaches who recruit good football players who are also good people and good students; what you have is success on all levels. The players are responsible and grow as individuals through their experience on the playing fiel...

What is the role of a teacher in a school?

Teachers are responsible for facilitating the learning and development of each of the pupils in their care. ... The expected level of knowledge increases as students move from grade to grade, and a student's success is determined on how well they are able to process this knowledge. ... There can be no winners if there are no losers, and without the opportunity to fail, success has no true meaning. ... Many universities require competitive grade point averages (GPA) for admission; however, a student who was never allowed to fail will have an artificially high GPA. ... Failure is as importa...

Is higher education the key to success?

Some arguments maintain that higher education is the key to success. ... Students who decide college just isn't suited for them, or those students who may be intellectually incapable of meeting the desired standards of a college student may then turn to enrollment at a vocational school. ... Success should not be determined solely on college merits since success is relative. Until individuals determine what success means to them, and how that success can be brought about, then the arguments on whether or not to go to college is insignificant. I believe that all students should have an equ...

What factors contribute to a student's success?

And the number one factor other than the student, himself, that contributes to his success is parents. They control home life, emotional support, tutoring, nutrition, etc.

What is the truth about responsibility?

The truth goes something like this: You are responsible only for things within your control. The greater your degree of control, the greater your degree of responsibility.

Why is there little to no help?

When parents struggle to fulfill their responsibilities, why is there little to no help? The answer: because we’ve hidden the fact that such responsibilities even exist. We’ve thrown it all on the teacher and the school.

What does the principal do in school?

The principal controls school policy. He determines what discipline the student receives, the clarity of school rules, etc. Likewise, students’ friends are part of their social network. They can help with homework, form a study group, or distract from school work, denigrate work ethic, etc. Society also plays a role.

What is the myth of teacher accountability?

The myth of teacher accountability is what stops such resources from being sent.

What is the role of society in education?

Society also plays a role. If a student is part of a community that values education and work ethic, that student will more likely put forth more effort. If the student lives in a community where school is seen as unimportant and teachers are not respected, that will have a negative impact, etc.

Is the teacher a factor?

The teacher is a factor, but not the largest one. That is the student, Billy. Yet he is not alone here. Besides, me, his teacher, there is also the principal, the student’s parents, his friends and even society as a whole. All of these and more contribute to student success. The principal controls school policy.

Is the lack of attention to education from the candidates an oversight?

Perhaps the lack of attention to education from the candidates is not an oversight , but smart politics. After all, Congress is still congratulating itself on its bipartisan approval of legislation to succeed the No Child Left Behind law, signed in 2002, with the Every Student Succeeds Act, passed in December 2015. Highly charged attacks on the Common Core State Standards, which are intended to add rigor to math and English/language arts instruction, continue, as do increasingly fierce complaints from parents and teachers’ unions about high-stakes tests.

Is the 12th grade math score improving?

Reality disagrees. Our students are not improving. This spring, the “nation’s report card,” the National Assessment of Educational Progress, showed a drop in 12th graders’ math scores and no improvement in reading—results unfortunately consistent with those previously released for 4th and 8th graders. Other recent news, such as New York state’s easing of graduation requirements for special-needs students, highlights how state requirements for earning a high school diploma are being dumbed down, while self-satisfied educators and politicians praise higher graduation rates. All too many graduating high school students enter college requiring remedial courses.
